Ï Cotton growers in Geoktepe etrap fulfill their contractual obligations

Cotton growers in Geoktepe etrap fulfill their contractual obligations

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Cotton growers in Geoktepe etrap, Ahal Velayat are the first in the country to fulfill their contractual obligations – they delivered more than 9,250 tons of ‘white gold’ to the receiving points of the country.

Cotton growers in Yzgant, Yandaklyagyz, Ahal, Geokdepe, Turkmenistan, Yangala, Uzumchilik, Kopetdag, Babarap, Gorjav peasant associations in Geoktepe etrap, as well as independent agricultural joint-stock companies and other participants of the cotton harvesting campaign made their contribution in fulfillment of their contractual obligations.

Bayramgul Bayramova from the Yzgant Peasant Association in Geoktepe etrap fulfilled the contractual obligations, harvesting more than 22 tons of ‘white gold’ from 9 hectares. Ogultylla Pirova (Yandaklyagyz Peasant Association) gathered more than 24 tons of cotton in six hectares, tenant Meylis Durdymuhammedov harvested more than 15 tons of ‘white gold’ in three hectares. Zohre Jallaeva (Turkmenistan Peasant Association) gathered over 14 tons of cotton from five hectares. Geldimyrat Gulmyradov (Uzumchilik Peasant Association) harvested more than 14 tons from five hectares, Ashyrgeldi Atahanov harvested 14 tons of cotton sown on five-hectare area. Kerim Orazov (Babarab Dayhan Peasant Association) harvested 32 tons of ‘white gold’ in eight hectares.

The current agricultural campaign is an important exam for cotton growers in Turkmenistan, who are to harvest and deliver to the receiving points of the country more than a million tons of valuable raw material. The constructive decisions, adopted during the first session of Halk Maslahaty this September with the aim to fundamentally modernize the agricultural industry and the agro-industrial complex encourage cotton growers for hard work.

Among the most important of them are the decisions on the creation of the special land fund for growing wheat, cotton and other crops to be handed over to the state on the arable lands in peasant associations, on increasing the purchase prices for wheat and cotton, and setting additional payments for the production of high quality seeds.

All participants in the current agricultural campaign apply every effort to get full marks in this examination.

The success of the agricultural campaign depends on the organizational measures taken to accelerate the paces of the harvesting campaign, uninterrupted delivery of raw materials to the receiving points of the country.