Ï The business plan is accomplished for the development of takyr massifs for rice cultivation in Lebap region

The business plan is accomplished for the development of takyr massifs for rice cultivation in Lebap region

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The rice harvesting started in the Amu Darya valley. The rice growers of the Lebap region sow 10.2 thousand hectares of valuable food crops in the areas vacated after harvesting winter crops this year, and plan to receive an average of 46.7 centners from each hectare.

The grown crop allows to count on achieving this milestone. The components of success are the proper care of crops with strict observance of all the norms of agricultural technology, the choice of the varieties most adapted to local soil and climatic conditions. This year, rice growers Lebap plan to hand over 47 thousand tons of “pearl” grain to the state.

The rice production within the state program of import substitution will increase significantly in the coming years in Lebap region. Currently, a large-scale project is underway in the Kerkin district to grow and process a valuable food crop with a capacity of 10 thousand tons of rice per year. 1000 hectares of takyr massifs are transferred to the new complex of the Individual Enterprise “Myrad”, where land is currently being developed. The same enterprise started the construction of a rice processing plant near the etrap center. A complex equipped with modern equipment and advanced technologies will appear on the area of 6 hectares. A similar enterprise for the cultivation and processing of rice will be created in the coming years in the Halach etrap.