Ï Priority spheres of cooperation specified at the meeting of the Turkmen-Tajik Intergovernmental Commission

Priority spheres of cooperation specified at the meeting of the Turkmen-Tajik Intergovernmental Commission

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Dushanbe hosted the 8th session of the Turkmen-Tajik Intergovernmental Commission on the trade, economic, scientific and technological cooperation. The representative delegation, including the heads and leading specialists of the key ministries and departments, the union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of our country arrived in the capital of Tajikistan to take part in the meeting.

The meeting agenda included the wide spectrum of issues of the interstate cooperation and the implementation of agreements, achieved on the outcomes of the top level talks between President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and President Emomali Rahmon.

The meeting participants analyzed the current status of cooperation, dynamically developing in a number of areas.

In the framework of the Turkmen government delegation’s visit to Dushanbe, taken place on the instruction of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, a number of bilateral meetings were held in the ministries and departments of the Republic of Tajikistan to specify the areas of cooperation for the next few years. The members of the intergovernmental commission discussed the specific mechanisms of cooperation.

Particular attention during the meetings was paid to such areas as trade, economic and investment relations, transport and energy sectors, ecology, education, culture, sports. Turkmenistan representatives familiarized their Tajik colleagues with the priorities of the policy on the development of these areas in our country, and the emerging opportunities for cooperation, putting forward their specific proposals for consideration.

For example, it was discussed the necessity to enhance cooperation in the oil and gas sector between the Turkmenbashi complex of oil refineries and the Tajik Aluminum Company for the supply of petroleum coke. In turn, Turkmenistan is interested in the supply of aluminum cable from the Republic of Tajikistan.

Tajikistan business circles expressed the interest in purchasing the high-quality products manufactured at the Turkmenbashi complex of oil refineries, including gasoline, diesel fuel, jet fuel, motor oils, liquefied gas and polypropylene, as well as liquefied gas, sulfur, gas chemical products (polyethylene, polypropylene and gas gasoline), produced by the Turkmengas State Concern, through the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange of Turkmenistan.

The Tajik companies were invited to participate in the International conference “Oil and Gas of Turkmenistan” and the International gas congress.

Another key sector of the national economy is electric power industry. Due to the systematic modernization of this industry and increasing its capacity, Turkmenistan has increased its production and export volumes with every passing year. During the meeting with President Emomali Rakhmon, the President of Turkmenistan noted that our country was also ready to supply electricity to Tajikistan through Afghanistan in the autumn-winter period, when the demand for electricity significantly increases in the country. The meeting participants also considered the issues on the transport and communications complex.

Taking into account the geographic location and the transit and transportation potential of the two states, cooperation in this area is of great importance. In this aspect, the parties emphasized the importance of establishing the direct air connection between Turkmenistan and Tajikistan and the need to intensify the work on the construction of an important infrastructure project - the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Tajikistan railway.

There are opportunities for cooperation in the textile and food industry, agricultural and processing sectors, the fishing industry. In this regard, the meeting participants considered the possibilities of establishing the joint ventures on processing agricultural products (fruits and vegetables, meat and milk, production of confectionery), as well as on the extraction of salt, production of building materials, carpets among others on the territories of the both states.

The members of the Intergovernmental commission considered the joint work, including with the other states in the region and international organizations to fulfill the obligations arising from the Joint Statement, adopted at the meeting of the Heads of the states - founders of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea held in Turkmenbashi on August 24, 2018. This applies to cooperation on improving the ecological and socio-economic status of the Aral Sea Basin, as well as the rational use of water resources, taking into account the interests of all countries in the region.

According to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, these issues cannot be solved unilaterally, and intensified integration processes, taken part in Central Asia and covering various spheres of state relations contribute to the search for new approaches to them.

The policy pursued by Presidents Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Emomali Rahmon is aimed at strengthening the friendship and mutual understanding between our countries and peoples. The policy priorities the interaction in the humanitarian sphere - in the areas of education, health, culture and arts. The libraries and museums, joint research, training and exchange of specialists were specified among the important areas of cooperation in this regard. It was suggested to hold the Days of Culture of the Republic of Tajikistan in Turkmenistan in 2019. Cooperation in the field of sports and tourism, where both countries have great potential, was also discussed.

A keen exchange of views allowed making sure that Turkmenistan and Tajikistan have significant reserves and opportunities to expand cooperation in various fields. The meeting participants provided recommendations with the aim to intensifying trade, economic, cultural and humanitarian partnerships, strengthen the exchange of information on possible investment and trade projects, create a favorable environment for the growth of mutual trade and investment flows, etc.

Among the measures outlined are the promotion of contacts at the regional level of the Republic of Tajikistan and Turkmenistan, the industrial cooperation of their economic entities, and the establishment of direct trade relations. The organization of exhibitions of national products, as well as business forums of the two states will contribute to raising the awareness of the business circles of the two countries.

Underlining the great importance of holding bilateral meetings and negotiations on a systematic basis, the members of the commission expressed confidence that the agreements achieved at the meeting would offer a new impetus to the development of multifaceted intergovernmental dialogue, solving large-scale tasks set by President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov and President Emomali Rahmon in the name of prosperity of Turkmenistan and Tajikistan and the fraternal peoples, united by common history, cultural and spiritual traditions.

The protocol was signed on the outcomes of the meeting. The parties agreed to hold the 9th meeting of the joint Intergovernmental Turkmen-Tajik commission on trade, economic and scientific and technical cooperation in Ashgabat in 2019.