Ï Turkmen delegation to discuss the project of Lazuli Route in Baku

Turkmen delegation to discuss the project of Lazuli Route in Baku

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Information about the measures taken for establishment of transport and transit cooperation in transnational Lapis – Lazuli Route was presented at the session of the Government on October 26.

Vice-premier M. Chakiyev informed that development of international legal framework for further formation of transport networks combining motor, railway, maritime and air routes by logistic centres and dry ports, which would serve to economic growth on regional and international level, is continued to support of the establishment of stable multimodal transit corridors.

The importance of such international transport corridors as Uzbekistan – Turkmenistan – Iran – Oman, Kazakhstan – Turkmenistan – Iran as well as Afghanistan – Turkmenistan – Azerbaijan – Georgia – Turkey, which open new opportunities for increment of cargo traffic in the above-mentioned routes, has been highlighted.

In this regard, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that steadfast integration to the world transport system and further expansion of the infrastructure on the main routes are among the key objectives.

Speaking of the establishment of transport and transit Lapis – Lazuli Route, the President noted that rail and motor roads connect Turgundy and Ashgabat and farther with Turkmenbashy International Port. After, the corridor will be continued across Caspian Sea to Baku and farther to Turkey and Europe via Tbilisi. As is known, international transport corridor TRACEKA is going via Turkmen seacoast and in near future, the sea gate connecting Central Asia and Europe will be the biggest logistic centre of the region, Turkmen leader noted.

The President of Turkmenistan ordered Vice-premier M. Chakiyev who is going on business trip to the Republic of Azerbaijan to discuss specific directions of realization of this project.