Ï Representatives of Turkmenistan to participate in the meeting of the Heads of the Governments of the CIS countries

Representatives of Turkmenistan to participate in the meeting of the Heads of the Governments of the CIS countries

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Turkmen delegation chaired by Vice-premier G. Myradov will take part in the session of the Council of the Heads of the Governments of the CIS members in Astana on November 2. The agenda will include wide spectrum of subjects of cooperation on the Commonwealth space including in economic and social spheres, energy and other. This information was presented at the session of the Government on October 26.

In this regard, the Head of the State highlighted that cooperation under the CIS is one of priority directions of foreign policy course of neutral Turkmenistan. Being an associated member of the Commonwealth of Independent States, our country made actual input to development of traditionally friendly neighbouring relations and constructive partnership that has wide capabilities in various spheres.

Having noted that Turkmenistan would chair the CIS in 2019, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave relative instructions on preparation to coming high-level session in Astana. The President also addressed Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers G. Myradov with number of specific assignments on presentation of the position of Turkmenistan on cooperation under the Commonwealth.