Ï Ashgabat Fashion House arranges the production of knitted articles

Ashgabat Fashion House arranges the production of knitted articles

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Annual production of 23 thousand of knitted articles has been arranged in the workshop of Ashgabat Fashion House of the Ministry of Textile Industry under the realization of the State programme on import substitutive production. Provision of the workshop with advanced equipment as well as modern machine tools allowed producing various jumpers for adults and children and sport suits. It was reported to the Head of the State by Vice-premier K. Durdymyradov at the session of the Government.

Proposal on expansion of knitted articles production in the country for increment of production and variety of high quality ready-made garments required by local consumers was presented to the President of Turkmenistan for review. Introduction of high productive profile equipment will increase the production volumes of import substitutive goods and will increase export potential of the industry.

In this regard, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that textile industry is one of leading systematically important branches of national economy directly supporting the development of other sectors, the improvement of the wealth and quality of life of the population and . Big variety of textile articles meeting the world standard from ecologically friendly natural materials is produced based on the latest technologies and exported.

Having focused on the necessity to continue the work for increment of import substitutive production from local materials, the President ordered to elaborate on relative subjects including the introduction of the manufacturers of technological equipment to the branch.