Ï Lebap Velayat fulfils 80 percent of the state order on delivery of raw cotton

Lebap Velayat fulfils 80 percent of the state order on delivery of raw cotton

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Farmers of Hojambaz etrap, who reported on the fulfilment of the state order, having delivered 21,210 tons of raw cotton, are among the leaders of cotton harvest campaign in Lebap Velayat.

Territory under cotton occupies 120 thousand hectares in Lebap velayat, which are sown with high productive species of cotton adapted to soil and climate conditions of the region. 235 thousand tons of the this valuable technical crop have been already produced in Amudarya Valley, which makes almost 78 percent of planned volume.

Honouring of the farmers, machine operators, tuck drivers and all who made their contribution to the fulfilment of the state order has been held under the events on occasion of this work achievement. Famous singers and folk bands gave the concerts.