Ï Ashgabat residents take part in mass health improving event

Ashgabat residents take part in mass health improving event

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Ashgabat hosted mass cycling raid, which became another evidence of the commitment of Turkmenistan citizens to healthy life style and actively developing physical training and sport movement.

Recently, during working trip around the capital on October 24, the President of Turkmenistan familiarized with the project of the monument of the World Bicycle Day, which would be built on the intersection of Canhdybil and Bikrova Avenues. On the same day, the Head of the State approved the proposal on cycling raid and requested to organize coming sport event on high level.

Mass action with the participation of the members of the Government, heads of diplomatic missions accredited in Turkmenistan, deputies of the Mejlis, leaders of ministries and departments, foreign businessmen, representatives of public organizations, entities and authorities as well as students has started from the Kopetdag foothills early in the morning on Saturday.

The raid started from the intersection of Kopetdag and Chandybil Avenues where the participants of the event were inspired by music and songs performed by the art masters, surrounding picturesque landscapes and fresh mountain air.

Care of the health of the nation, creation of all conditions for happy life of people are the priorities of the State policy. All reforms, national programmes and grandiose projects successfully implemented in Turkmenistan, are based on the main value of our state and society – the human being. Sport and healthy life style help to the individual to open his potential. It is worth to highlight that the Head of the State confirms it by personal example.

The President of Turkmenistan notes that being consolidating and inspiring beginning, the sports is also important term for strengthening of peace, friendly relations between the states and nations. Sport diplomacy has become one of actively developing directions of foreign activity of our state, owing to which the country becomes the place of big international competitions more often.

The cycling received new development in Turkmenistan together with other sports. Construction of modern indoor cycling track meeting international standards in the Olympic village, inclusion of the cycling to the programme of V Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games in Ashgabat in September last year, regular mass cycling rides and vehicle free days by the initiative of the Head of the State provided significant growth of lovers and supporters of this discipline.

All of these served to the adoption of the UN General Assembly Resolution on the World Bicycle Day by the initiative of our state.

The project of the Monument, which is to be built in the capital in honour of this international date, has to reflect rich history and current achievements of our nation, the Head of the State said. Turkmen land is located in the heart of restored Great Silk Road and the monument will be built in the shape of the Earth.

According to the project, sculptural composition will reflect modern achievements of Turkmenistan located on strategic and important intersection of international corridors, olive branches symbolizing permanent neutrality of our state, fast ahalteke horses and figures of cyclists.

Having become one of unique symbols of the capital, this monument will embody high spiritual rise of Turkmen nation, its commitment to human values and international sport movement, its rapid movement toward the progress and prosperity.

Today, the cycling gains more popularity in the world being environmentally friendly sports. There is new holiday now, which unites all countries and nations – the World Bicycle Day, and it means that this transport will get wider spread. This is another contribution of our country to ‘green’ development of the planet, health improving movement and achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Therefore, current mass cycling ride adds another bright stroke to the panorama of our time and to the picture of the future of the country, which is built today by our intents and deeds.

The initiatives of the President of Turkmenistan on mass cycling rides find wide support of the compatriots, which participate in these actions with great enthusiasm. Inspired by personal example of the Head of the State, Turkmen youth also tries to go in for sports, which help to form up firm character, commitment and fortitude in order to make deserving contribution of the prosperity of the country.

Integrated work for development of sports and physical training mass and health improving movement in the country received high appraisal of the world community, which improves international authority of our state.

… Having covered 12 kilometres, the participants of mass cycling ride reached the finish at the intersection of Ataturk and Olympic streets.