Ï Sessions of medical, technical, coach and executive committees of the World Weightlifting Championship take place in Ashgabat

Sessions of medical, technical, coach and executive committees of the World Weightlifting Championship take place in Ashgabat

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First sessions of medical, technical, coach and executive committees of 2018 World Weightlifting Championship, which opening ceremony to take place on November 1, were held in the Sport Hotel of the capital Olympic village.

Representatives of International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) and hosts of the tournament discussed the readiness of all support services and facilities to high-level conduct of the competitions, which would last until November 10, 2018. One of the objectives of the above-mentioned committees is to define the consequence of the performance of the sportsmen in different weight categories. After, detailed schedule of the championship will be adopted at the session of the mandate group.

The Congress of International Weightlifting Federation will be held in assembly hall of the Sport Hotel on October 31 where representative of Turkmenistan will address the members.

It was reported to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov at the session of the Government on October 26 that application from 100 European, Asian, American and Oceania countries have been submitted for the participation of the world championship.

Around 800 sportsmen will contest for the medals. The delegations of the countries includes 300 coaches. In addition, 45 members of referee corps, 70 representatives of mass media, group of medical personnel, doctors and other specialist will come. More than 100 specialists of International Weightlifting Federation will work at 2018 World Championship in Ashgabat.

Therefore, 1,500 foreign participants and members of organization, technical and other personnel are ready for the start of the championship at the moment.

In addition to Turkmen specialists involved in provision of the competitions among the strongest people of the planet, 500 volunteers from the Universities of Turkmenistan have been trained. They will provide assistance to the guests as guides and translators, serve at the competitions and many other events under the world championship.

It is necessary to mention that the experience acquired by Turkmenistan during V Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games including in provision of medical services has great value for the provision of high level of 2018 World Championship.

In this aspect, 24.7shift duty of first aid teams has been organized, reference laboratories and medical centres have been prepared and 32 sport doctors and more than 400 medical personnel are involved. Relative medical facilities are provided with modern equipment and have all necessary medicine.

Transport provision of foreign guests of the competitions, for whom more than 30 various size comfortable buses has been prepared, was thoroughly thought.

67 sets of sport appliances and equipment from Swiss company Eleiko have been delivered on time to the facilities of the world championship.

The medals for the winners have been made by Singapore company ELM.

201 medals – 67 gold, silver and bronze each, will be contested at the competitions.

Members of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan are actively involved in organizational works. Private Turkmen companies will provide the sportsmen and other participants of the competitions with quality and various food.

Four big shopping centres located near the Olympic village will work 24 hours for creation of the best conditions for the guests of 2018 World Championship.

The delegations arrive one after another in Ashgabat since Saturday October 27 and as it is expected all participants and guests of big sport event will come by October 31.

Comfortable rooms are presented for high-rank guests, referees and journalists in the Sport Hotel and the participants of the competitions will live in the hotel for sportsmen in the Olympic village.

Last preparations to the opening ceremony of international tournament and theatre performance in honour of this big event are carried out.

The Olympic village of the capital of Turkmenistan is ready to host big sport event – 2018 World Weightlifting Championship!