Ï Palette of cultural traditions of Croatia is presented in Ashgabat

Palette of cultural traditions of Croatia is presented in Ashgabat

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Palette of cultural traditions of Croatia is presented in Ashgabat
Palette of cultural traditions of Croatia is presented in Ashgabat
Palette of cultural traditions of Croatia is presented in Ashgabat
Palette of cultural traditions of Croatia is presented in Ashgabat
Palette of cultural traditions of Croatia is presented in Ashgabat
Palette of cultural traditions of Croatia is presented in Ashgabat
Palette of cultural traditions of Croatia is presented in Ashgabat
Palette of cultural traditions of Croatia is presented in Ashgabat
Palette of cultural traditions of Croatia is presented in Ashgabat
Palette of cultural traditions of Croatia is presented in Ashgabat
Palette of cultural traditions of Croatia is presented in Ashgabat
Palette of cultural traditions of Croatia is presented in Ashgabat
Palette of cultural traditions of Croatia is presented in Ashgabat
Palette of cultural traditions of Croatia is presented in Ashgabat
Ashgabat hosted opening ceremony of the Days of Culture of the Republic of Croatia in Turkmenistan and photo exhibition dedicated to intangible cultural heritage of friendly state. Cultural event was organized by profile ministries of both countries.

High-level meetings and cooperation in bilateral format and under big international structures including the European Union and the United Nations indicate that further development of cooperation between Turkmenistan and the Republic of Croatia has good perspectives. Humanitarian relations, the interest of people in the history, national heritage and culture of each other are significant component of the dialog.

Important joint documents aimed at the establishment of active and fruitful contacts in trade and economic spheres have been signed, agreements on development of business relations in government and private sector have been achieved and opportunities of the expansion of productive partnership in tourism, culture and art have been discussed in the last years.

It is worth mentioning in this regard that the III Session of the Inter-Governmental Turkmen – Croatian Commission for Economic Cooperation, which has important role in development of further bilateral cooperation in different directions including in humanitarian and cultural spheres, has been held in Zagreb, the capital of the Republic of Croatia this summer.

Based on the Memorandum of Understanding signed between the Government of Turkmenistan and the Government of the Republic of Croatia in Cultural Sphere signed in 2014, the scientists, art and cultural masters of friendly country have activated their participation in international forums held in Turkmenistan.

Official opening ceremony of the Days of Culture and photo exhibition was held in the State Museum of Visual Arts where representatives of cultural intelligentsia, mass media and students have gathered.

The participants of the event expressed the gratitude to President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and President of the Republic of Croatia Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović for peace-loving political course, which supports the expansion of humanitarian dialog and understanding of both nations. Current cultural event is one of important steps in this direction, the participants noted. These are such contacts that help to open wonderful world of art, which hides inexhaustible capabilities for rapprochement of people.

The photo exhibition organized by Zagreb Ethnography Museum narrates about original traditions and customs of different regions of friendly country, which are in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

On the next day, the Ministry of Culture will host the reception of official delegation of the Republic of Croatia. The guests will be introduced with the priorities of the policy of Turkmen State in cultural sphere, protection and popularization of the heritage, development of international cooperation in humanitarian field.

Croatian movies will demonstrated under the Days of Culture in the Ashgabat Cinema theatre and the concert of Croatian pianists in the Mukams Palace.