Ï The Head of the State makes a tour around Avaza with his grandchildren

The Head of the State makes a tour around Avaza with his grandchildren

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, who is currently in Balkan Velayat, made a tour around Avaza National tourist zone with his grandchildren and visited the Aqua Park that was opened in July this year.

Every year, new facilities supplement the infrastructure of modern international class sea resort, which creation at Turkmen coast of Caspian Sea was initiated by the Head of the State. For one decade, this beautiful place turned into heaven where thousand tourists go in summer season. At the same time, it is worth mentioning that comfort conditions for the holidays, high level of service and interesting time are guaranteed all year around, which was highly appreciated not only by Turkmen citizens but also by foreign guests of our country.

High-class hotels, children health improving camps, cottage towns, health and recreation centres, park and entertainment complexes are at the service of guests. In addition, Avaza started playing the role of big business, cultural and sport centre where high-level meetings, representative international forums and cultural festival take place.

Multifunctional resort spread on Caspian coast is a visual result of social and economic policy pursued by Turkmen leader, which key priority is the prosperity of Turkmen people. The main goal of implementation of this large-scale project is to realize colossal recreation potential of this place, which is natural pearl of our country, and to make it serve to people.

From the very beginning of implementation of this far-seeing idea, the President set and continue setting the ecological compliance of all material and production technologies, careful treatment of environment, healing resources and biological diversity of seaside as the mandatory condition. Construction of ramified hotel network and active recreation centres, industrial and transport links of the resort as well as tree planting works on Caspian coast were carried out from these positions.

Today, one is able not only to spend an excellent holiday in Avaza but also to improve the health and undergo treatment course based on the latest achievements of the medicine. The sanatorium provided with innovative equipment from the leading world manufacturers and providing advanced methods of health improvement has been ceremonially opened there last summer.

Development and planning of Avaza, course of large-scale works expanded on its territory are always under control of the Head of the State. This grandiose project is under personal patronage of the President.

It is worth reminding that the President announced on handing over of Avaza National tourist zone to the supervision of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs in March of this year. According to the President’s idea, these are the flexibility and mobility of the business, energy and initiative approach that are required in current changing economic realities in order to make powerful break forward. For this purpose, the state took all measures and gives ‘green’ light to bold plans and beginnings of local entrepreneurship.

The UIET makes big contribution to development of National tourist zone and Avaza Aqua Park where President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov came with his grandchildren is among successful projects.

Together with water entertainments, this big complex includes the facilities for satisfaction of the highest demands of tourists of different age categories. It has winter and summer aqua parks, shopping centre, dozens of shops providing wide variety of goods, supermarket, around 30 cafes and restaurants, bistro, amphitheatre of 1640 seats, hotels as well as artificial mountains, lakes, waterfalls, mountain springs – entire adventuring country.

The Head of the State was greeted by the children at the territory of the complex. The President asked about their impression of the amusements of the Aqua Park. After, Turkmen leader with his grandsons went to the building of indoor aqua park where the air was ringing with joyful screams and laughter. The kids were enjoying on various amusements in the swimming pools making various funs.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov looked around the amenities of indoor aqua park and the conditions made for interesting and funny time of the children. It is autumn outside while inside, it is a bright tropical garden with artificial beaches, sea waves and coloured roller coasters of weird configuration.

Three-storey indoor swimming pool occupies more than 41 thousand square meters and is designed to be visited at any season. Huge artificial mountain and waterfall in the middle attract the attention with the idea of creation of exotic landscape. The complex has different swimming pools for children and adults including for surfing, water amusement with big and small obstacles, semi-Olympic swimming pool.

There are numerous water amusements for the children according to the age. Areas for children entertainments strike the imagination by the amount of game elements, bright sprinklers and stairs. The kids can also have fun at the coast imitating the beach. It has separate ground for volleyball covered with sand. Special feeling of time spending on open air under the sun is made by use of special glass of the rooftop.

The President came to the children and asked where they are from and if they like it there. The kids shared their emotions and delight of the complex. The Head of the State went along the aqua park watching the children playing in water, teenagers competing in swimming. Grandchildren of Turkmen leader have joined playing kids with pleasure.

In addition to the swimming pools and water amusements, the indoor aquapark has electronic game ground, 7D cinema, cafes and restaurants offering various dishes of Turkmen and international cuisine, sauna, steam bath and beauty parlour.

Open aquapark with the decoration of rocky slopes also please an eye. there are impressive swimming pools with diving boards and for playing water polo, pool with waves. 800 meters artificial canal for rafting on inflatable boats is also worth to be mentioned.

Numerous cafes in different natural styles like mountains, islands, bank of the lake are one of the attraction of Avaza Aquapark. Double-storey shopping centre on the territory of the complex makes optimal conditions for the visitors of the complex and all tourists in Avaza. The facility has 24 hours shopping outlet and café. The structure of the complex includes the hotel. Amphitheatre for 1640 seats is provided with advanced equipment and designated for the concerts and festive [performances.

Having watched the children enjoying themselves in Aquapark, Presidet Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished them to have fun, health and dreams to come true, to grow up physical fit, committed, well-behaved and educated.

The Head of the State took picture with children for the memory and having said warm goodbye, left the Aquapark, which became excellent gift to all guests on Avaza coast. The children received the gifts on behalf of the President.

Having continued looking around the sea resort, the Head of the State and his grandson Kerimguly made cycling ride along neat corniche road toward Tolkun Yacht club.

Opened in 2016, the facility continued the formation of yacht infrastructure in Avaza and provided the guests with modern services in this sphere together with comfortable cottages and respectable villas.

The President looked around the territory of the complex located on the plot of 16.5 hectares and including 25 mansions for 412 guests. The yacht club is built in the shape of Turkmen ‘tumor’ decortion, which gives original and expressive image with national colour to it.

The club has dozens of small crafts of various modifications made in France, UK, USA< Greece and Turkey. The guest are able not only make sea tour on yacht but also to receive the training on operating the boats. After inspection of coastal facilities of Tolkun, the President of Turkmenistan and his grandson made a ride on the bicycles on the territory of the club.

Health improving mission of Avaza is based on the nature of this place, which has unique healing features of seawater, air and climate. The idea of the Head of the State on creation of modern resort of international level is aimed at the opening of colossal recreation potential of Turkmen coast of Caspian Sea while combination of sanatorium services, rehabilitation medicine with active rest and sports is aimed at better advantage for people.

This is the context, under which National tourist zone is developed today joining new hotels and entertainment facilities and multiprofile sport centres.

Doing martial arts, game, water and winter sports including swimming, ice hockey, figure skating as well as fitness, weightlifting, fencing, boxing, judo, taekwondo, sambo, basketball, tennis, gymnastics, handball, volleyball and other are possible in Avaza National tourist zone. It has all conditions for various sports, training of sportsmen, national and international level competitions.

Wind surfing, water ski, kayaks and canoes, sailing races will also receive the development at Turkmen coast of Caspian Sea. In this context, active use of bicycles are worth to be used not only in training purposes but also as the most environmentally friendly transport, the President notes.

Strict compliance with all ecological standards, protection of natural biodiversity and careful treatment of environment have been the main requirement from the beginning of all works for creation of the resort. Regular tree planting campaigns, systematic activities for care of young trees, which in future would grow into wide parking zones and thick forests, became traditional in Avaza and all around the country. Green dress of the resort is excellently combined with white-marble original buildings, golden beaches and blue sea making impressive image of the garden of paradise city.

Having left the yacht club, Head of the State and his grandson drove by vehicle around Avaza, having enjoyed the views, architectural beauties and seascapes.

Excellent hotels, children recreation centres, cottage estates, parking and entertainment complexes and high level of service make Avaza as ideal place for family holidays not only in summer season but also all year around.

Expanding its borders, the resort on ecological Caspian coast is very popular in the country and raises growing interest abroad proving undoubtful perspectivity and undisputable success of grandiose project. Orientation to innovations, advanced engineering and technical thoughts, high level of service make all prepositions for this beautiful part of Turkmen land to be recognized centre of international tourism and sport.

It was brightly indicated by recent rally Amul – Hazar 2018, which has finished in Avaza, having become great celebration with participation of dozens of teams from many countries.

Having finished his trip to Avaza National tourist zone, the Head of the State left for the capital.