Ï The President of Turkmenistan addresses the greetings to the participants of the World Weightlifting Championship

The President of Turkmenistan addresses the greetings to the participants of the World Weightlifting Championship

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Let me extend my congratulations on remarkable event in the history of the sports – the opening of the World Weightlifting Championship in Ashgabat. I am confident that this sport festival will be held on high organizational level and will became the arena for popularization of the principles of peace and friendship and the Olympic movement in general, - the message of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov says.

Physical training and sports, which are very important in our country, help developing physical and intellectual abilities of people. Recognizing that active life of individual mainly depends on his health, we made the development of physical training and sport as one of the priorities of the state policy of Turkmenistan. We successfully carry out the work aimed at propaganda of healthy life style, training of masters on international class and qualified specialists.

Big world class sport complexes have been built and system of specialized organizations has been established in the country under national programme of development of physical training and sports. The Olympic village for international competitions and training of the sportsmen for world and Asian championships, Olympic Games has been built in Ashgabat. Big sport complex with gyms for various sports has also been built Avaza National tourist zone.

Due to the reforms, Turkmen sport has declared of itself in the world. dozens of our compatriots were the winners participating in the world and Asian championships. All these successes are the result of ‘open door’ policy of our neutral country and great attention of the state to development of national sports, - the message says.

Sportsmen are the messengers of peace. During this championship, you have to strive to the achievements of high goals of the Olympic movement by your skills and willing to win in fair competition. Undoubtedly, this remarkable event for sportsmen and fans from dozens of countries will be great sport festival, - the message says.

Our neutral state pursues peace-loving policy being the member of International Olympic Committee and makes specific proposals for development of International Olympic movement and improvement of cooperation in sport sphere. Our initiatives aimed at consolidation of peace, friendship and positive partnership were recognized and supported by the world community.

Mass track and field and cycling rides as well as International rally Amul – Hazar 2018 were held along the Silk Road on occasion of the Independence Day. The World Weightlifting Championship, which starts today, will again present Turkmenistan as a country that is able to hold large-scale sport competitions of international level, - the message of the President highlights.