Ï Turkmen leader congratulates the compatriots on the 25th anniversary of manat

Turkmen leader congratulates the compatriots on the 25th anniversary of manat

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Let me extend my congratulation on the 25th anniversary of national currency manat, which became the symbol of economic achievements of Turkmenistan, greeting message of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov says.

The roll-out of manat made favourable conditions for coordinated development of the economy and unified state monetary and credit policy. Banking system as important sphere of national economy turned into one of the most developing fields. At present, the works aimed at the improvement of reliability of banking system, which stable development is necessary for provision of competiveness and dynamic development of the country, its successful integration to global economic space, are carried out. Long-term activity aimed at provision of the efficiency and reliable work of banking system is carried out on programme base in our country. In this regard, support of stable exchange rate of national currency, expansion of the sphere and quality of banking services, wide introduction of advanced world practice and innovative technologies are the main objectives of banking system.

The work on bringing of laws regulating banking activity to correspondence with international standards is continued. Banks of the country expand the spectrum and improve the quality of services. Fruitful work for improvement of financial awareness of the population is carried out. Owing to seminars and conference held in the country and abroad, the level of qualification of banking personnel is increased.

We pay great attention to gradual improvement of monetary and credit policy of the State, financial support of production, export and import oriented branches of the economy, activation of fruitful cooperation with international financial structures, consolidation of legal base of banking system, wide introduction advanced technologies for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, - the message of the President highlights.