Ï The Head of the State studies the project of new administration centre of Ahal Velayat

The Head of the State studies the project of new administration centre of Ahal Velayat

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made working trip to Gyoktepe etrap where inspected the projects of architectural and construction development of administration centre of Ahal velayat.

In the morning, the Head of the State came to Gorjav gengeshlyk where the Chairperson of the Mejlis, Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministry, Hyakim of Ahal Velayat, deputies of national Parliament from the region as well as leaders of the departments in charge of these projects have gathered.

The President studies the proposals presented by Vice-premier D. Amangeldiyev, having detailed the location of the facilities, their purpose, functionality, etc.

In particular, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov reviewed the projects and drawings of the complex of administration and other buildings, living houses and facilities including the monument, square with flagpole and other facilities related to public organizations, agricultural, financial, economic spheres, health protection system, transport, communication, municipal services and trade. According to the project, the Ruhiyet Palace, building of regional educational and cultural administration, drama theatre, library and museum will be built.

It will also has modern sport infrastructure, which is based the stadium and two sport complexes. In addition, it is planned to have big park. Banking sector was represented by Ahal Department of the Central Bank and branches of big banks of the country. Number of buildings will be built for law enforcement structures of the region.

Having studied presented projects, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed the Vice-premier D. Amangeldiyev and E. Orazgeldiyev as well as to Hyakim of Ahal Velayat Sh. Amangeldiyev, having given specific instructions detailed study of the features of the facilities planned to be built.

It is planned to build the building for High International Equestrian Breeding School with hippodrome and training fields, arena and stables, Scientific and Production Equestrian Breeding Centre. These facilities together with nearby International Equestrian complexwil form equestrian cluster, which will allow bringing this industry to the world level.

Educational system will be represented by new secondary and initial professional schools, comprehensive schools and kindergartens.

Multiprofile hospital, clinic, communication station, multilevel shaded and outdoor parking, business centre, wedding palace, bazar and shopping centre are among social and living infrastructure facilities.

New modern high apartment buildings will give new look to administration centre of the region. One of the options of the project offers to build 208 apartment buildings, 142 12-storey and 66 9-storey buildings for 13,452 families, on the area of 874 hectares. Therefore, the population of this living estate will be 67, 260 people.

Other option presented to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for review suggests 212 five and seven-storey buildings for 7,916 apartments, which is around 39,580 people. The third option of the project proposes the construction of 235 apartment buildings where the most part are 9-storey buildings and 72 buildings will have 12 storeys. In general, the estate will have 13,554 apartments where 67,770 people will be able to live.

The area of the fourth option is 880 hectares. It is planned to build five and seven-storey apartment buildings. The fifth option occupies 862 hectares and it is planned to build 4 and 9-storey buildings.

Several options of public buildings and construction of living complex have been presented to the attention of the Head of the State. Each project has bene presented in two options of planning and number of storeys of the buildings.

What is planned to built here is, first of all, for people who lives here, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said. Therefore, the project of administration centre of Ahal depends on their opinion. Deputies have to study all proposals comprehensively, to take into account the opinions of all levels of the population and the point of view of the youth as it is related to their future.

In his turn, Minister of Health Protection and Medical Industry N. Amannepesov reported on the locations of medical facilities planned to be built.

According to General Plan, 4 hectares of land will be allocated for new infectious decease clinic for 200 patients. Total area of the main building will be 9,200 square meters and total area of all facilities will be 19,500 square meters. In addition to three-storey building of the clinic, its territory will have recreation place, car parking, chlorinators, technical facilities, fresh, irrigation and fire water reservoirs, fire hydrants, power substation, garage for ambulance vehicles, disinfection ground.

Ground floor of the clinic will have the reception, intensive care unit, diagnostics, disinfection departments, laboratories, dispensary. The first and second floors are allocated for patient rooms. Mainly, the patients with dangerous deceases and virus hepatitis will be treated there. It also has departments of respiratory and air born deceases.

New clinic is planned to be opened in June 2020 and it will replace the old hospital, having given the new spectrum of services to the patients, which would be provided by innovative medical technologies, advanced treatment and diagnostic equipment.

It will also has molecular and gene laboratory for detection of infectious deceases by immunosorbent assays methodology. In addition, the project stipulates the use of computer tomography, ultrasound tests by latest machines from the world producers. The capacity of the clinic will allow receiving the patients from all velayat and other regions.

Having studied in details all presented projects, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov again noted the appropriateness of discussion of the projects between he deputies and local population, having ordered to study the proposals and report on relevant decisions at one of the sessions of the Cabinet of Ministers.

Having studies the projects, the President of Turkmenistan made some corrections as well as taking into account some proposals gave instructions to elaborate on the projects.

It is necessary to build comfortable apartment buildings, schools, kindergartens and social and cultural facilities as well as to arrange to work of municipal services at the first stage of the project. It is important to create core points of growth like business, scientific and educational, industrial centres providing working places, comprehensive transport, engineering and communication networks, recreation places, parks, etc., the Head of the State highlighted and gave specific assignments to relative leaders.

Addressing the deputies and local government administration, the Head of Turkmenistan expressed the interest in their opinion on the best option of apartment buildings from new administration centre of the velayat from the presented.

On one hand, it is necessary to take into account seismic activity of the region, the Head of the State highlighted and on another hand, to use the achievement of national construction complex, its scientific base, first in seismic construction, production of quality building materials, which allows building solid and durable high buildings with maximum level of protection.

The President spoke for different types of apartment buildings in order for people to have a choice; someone wants to live in big multi-apartment building, someone prefers cottage to be close to land and to have his own yard.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov continued that the second stage is to create efficiently working administrative part, which provides gradual and independent development of new settlements and the third is to form up all other structures based on rationality, compactness and collaboration using innovative methods and technologies.

Having urged the deputies to treat the selection of the location of administration centre of the velayat with importance, the President of Turkmenistan noted the significance of their joint work with the members of the Cabinet of Ministers, consultations with different specialists for coordinated development of balanced, grounded and justified proposal, which has to be presented for review to the Government.

Ecological component and environmental protection remains requirements of organization of living spaces. It is necessary to consider the wind direction, location of the main streets in order to plan correctly new city with the best conditions for its citizens, the Head of the State said.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov expressed the interest in compliance with rules and sanitary standards, which are mandatory during construction of medical facilities and gave order to the head of this sphere to control their compliance in project part as well as during the construction of the clinic.

It is necessary to provide the provision of this medical facility with advanced technologies, qualified personnel with the knowledge of the latest methods of medical aid and to take into account all details including ambulance service of the clinic, the Head of the State said, having signed the Resolution on the construction of the clinic.

After, having given the order to Ch. Gylyjov who supervises Ahal velayat to control the solution of all issues related to creation of new administration centre, the Head of the State requested all relative Vice-premiers to announce international tender for construction of complex of buildings and facilities.

The President noted that greater number of companies that would take part in the tender would give wider choice of experienced and responsible contractor who would be able to guarantee qualitative fulfilment of all works using innovative technologies and approaches. Turkmen private companies have also to take part in the tender as they have recommended themselves very well in realization of important construction companies making deserving competition to foreign companies.

Summing up the conversation, during which various spheres of life of the state and society have been highlighted, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov emphasized again social status of such grandiose project as the formation of new administration centre of Ahal velayat and outlined its targeted priorities. These are the creation of comfort conditions of life for population, high ecological requirements of planned changes, innovative approach by all parameters from construction and provision of the facilities until management of development of new settlement.

This colossal project, which will require huge investments, but our state has sufficient economic stability to implement the boldest and large-scale plans for the sake of the nation, the President said.

Turkmen leader urged to treat the solution of the objectives set at the meeting with all responsibility and wished everybody great success in work. Having finished working trip to Ahal Velayat, the Head of the State left the place of event.