Ï Development of the weightlifting is discussed at the IWF Congress

Development of the weightlifting is discussed at the IWF Congress

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Development of the weightlifting is discussed at the IWF Congress
Development of the weightlifting is discussed at the IWF Congress
Development of the weightlifting is discussed at the IWF Congress
Development of the weightlifting is discussed at the IWF Congress
Development of the weightlifting is discussed at the IWF Congress
Development of the weightlifting is discussed at the IWF Congress
Development of the weightlifting is discussed at the IWF Congress
Development of the weightlifting is discussed at the IWF Congress
The Sport Hotel of the capital Olympic village hosted the Congress of International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) where key objectives of further development of this sport and importance of the world tournament in Turkmenistan this year have been discussed.

The President of the IWF and the Olympic Council of Asia, heads and representatives of the committees of international and national weightlifting federations from more than 80 countries like USA, Russia, Germany, France, Netherlands, Hungary and other took part.

Opening the session, Head of the IWF Tamas Ajan highlighted that current world tournament wold be turning point in the history of the weightlifting. Owing to the attention of President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to the development of physical training and sports of high achievements, 2018 World Weightlifting championship in Ashgabat will be written in golden letters to the history of the world sports.

Institution of new weight categories and criteria of qualification of the sportsmen for the Olympic Games was the main subject of the Congress of International Weightlifting Federation. As is known, 10 new weight categories in men and women will be introduced at the tournament in Ashgabat for the first time. the main goal of the IWF is to develop the system, which will be accountable for the health of the athletes.

Report of the delegates were dedicated to the issues of support of healthy competition in this sport and to analysis of work of medical committee of the IWF. Special attention has been paid to the subject of doping control.

As is known, our country cooperates with the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) for protection of Turkmen sport and implementation of anti-doping measures. The participants noted that according to the Law on Physical Training Culture and Sports, the work for combating against prohibited drugs is carried out very decisively in Turkmenistan. National sportsmen, coaches and medical personnel have always supported and would continue to support pure sports and aim to support deserving reputation advocating for honest victory at 2018 World Weightlifting Championship.

The participants of the forum highlighted that owing to the measures taken by the initiative of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on development of mass physical training and sport movement, healthy life style became national idea in our country, which unite the people helping them to combat against bad habits and create favourable conditions for harmonic development of Turkmen society.

Reports of representatives of different IWF commissions have been given during the session. Result of 018 Junior Olympic Games in Buenos Aires have been reviewed and issues of preparation to coming international competitions has been discussed.

Award ceremonies of commemorative souvenirs and signs as well as IWF Certificates for the contribution to popularisation of this sport have been held at the Congress of International Weightlifting Federation.