Ï Cotton Farmers of Ak Bugday District Fulfill Government Procurement Plan

Cotton Farmers of Ak Bugday District Fulfill Government Procurement Plan

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Cotton farmers of the district of Ak Bugday of the province of Ahal are among the leaders of the current cotton harvesting campaign. Today they have reported on the fulfillment of their contractual obligations through submission of over 32 thousand 200 tons of raw cotton.

This year, the district’s tenant farmers adapted the ancient traditions of cultivation to the modern technology of growing this crop that is of crucial importance for the country’s economy, and got a high yield of cotton.

Such impressive results were facilitated by the measures introduced as part of structural transformations in agriculture to promote the farming culture, to ensure wider implementation of advanced agro-technology and to improve the condition of reclaimed land. Along with that, intensive works are carried out in the field of scientific selection and in the creation of locally adapted varieties of early ripening cotton with higher yields and better quality of fibers.

Farmers take pride in growing fine-fibered sorts of cotton that are carefully cultivated in the context of expanding the production of various kinds of textiles: high-quality yarn, fabrics and finished products.

Full processing of cotton fiber at the local enterprises is among top priorities of the country’s textile industry that is oriented towards the export of finished products. This resulted in the construction of new industrial complexes for processing of fine-fibered cotton in the districts of Babadayhan and Kaka of the province of Ahal.

The solemn ceremony marking the fulfillment of the government procurement plan by the farmers of Ak bugday district resulted in a great celebration that was attended by the representatives of regional authorities, the most outstanding cotton farmers, local residents and creative groups.