Ï Karakum etrap meets state order for raw cotton production

Karakum etrap meets state order for raw cotton production

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Farmers in Karakum etrap, Mary velayat have reported on the fulfillment of their contractual obligations, having delivered more than 44,000 tons of ‘white gold’ to designated cotton centers. With over 252, 000 tons of raw cotton harvested in the region, the state order now stands at 80.5 percent complete.

Harvesting of the valuable industrial crop is making good progress in Turkmenkala etrap as well with about 29,200 tons of cotton now harvested and delivered. This accounts for 90 percent of the total production target.

The total area under cotton cultivation in Mary velayat is 165,000 hectares. Medium staple varieties, namely Iolotan-7 and Iolotan-39, and a fine staple variety, Iolotan-14, have proved to be well adapted to the local soil and climatic conditions. These varieties have been developed in the Murgab River valley by Turkmen breeders, and are grown in a considerable part of the country’s total cotton area.

Notably, this year’s harvesting campaign boasts a particularly plentiful supply of farm machinery. Since the start of the season, 324 cotton pickers (which is 41 more than last year) have been working in the fields.

A fixed and accurate harvesting schedule has been arranged in the velayat like in other regions. Efforts are now being made to promptly deal with the routine maintenance of cotton pickers and maintain a continuous supply of fuel and lubricants. Mobile maintenance crews of experienced specialists have all necessary equipment and tools.

Special focus is on ensuring loss-free deliveries of harvested ‘white gold’ to cotton-receiving centers and then to processing plants. Thus, a modern cotton seed processing plant with an annual capacity of 40,000 tons opened its doors in Sakarchaga etrap three years ago.

The plant’s equipment from leading US and European manufacturers, including BS Supply, the world-famous US company, enables to properly process, dehull chemically and treat cotton seeds to prevent diseases, as well as enrich them with nutrients and pack in 20-kg bags.