Ï The World Weightlifting Championship is opened

The World Weightlifting Championship is opened

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The World Weightlifting Championship is opened
The World Weightlifting Championship is opened
The World Weightlifting Championship is opened
The World Weightlifting Championship is opened
The World Weightlifting Championship is opened
The World Weightlifting Championship is opened
The World Weightlifting Championship is opened
The World Weightlifting Championship is opened
The World Weightlifting Championship is opened
The World Weightlifting Championship is opened
The World Weightlifting Championship is opened
The World Weightlifting Championship is opened
Turkmen capital hosted the opening ceremony of the World Weightlifting Championship. This event became another evidence of turning of Ashgabat to recognized international sport centre and wide support of targeted strategy implemented under the leadership of the Head of the State for development of physical training culture and sports by the world community.

Game Sports Complex, which is the part of the infrastructure of the capital Olympic village, was the place of the opening ceremony. Festive atmosphere reigned at the stands, which gathered numerous spectators. Everybody was waiting impatiently for the beginning of the ceremony marking the beginning of the competitions, which would be watched by wide audience of fans in different countries of the world.

Long-awaited moment came. In the solemn atmosphere, soldiers of the Guard of Honour brought the State flag of Turkmenistan to the arena. National anthem of Turkmenistan was played, under which magnificent sounds emerald canvas was hoisted above the stands. Traditional Turkmen ornament emerged on the arena filled with green light.

After, bright theatre literature and music performance expanded at the arena of the complex. Countdown of the last 10 seconds until the beginning of the event was started. The figures were displayed on the arena replacing each other and all participants counted down it loud.

The field of the sport complex lit with bright beams of the spotlights, is filled with sky blue colour and the map of our country with ancient caravan routes appeared on it. This part of the performance was named “Turkmenistan – the Heart of the Great Silk Road. Big image of the book of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov appeared on the arena. Use of modern laser equipment allows lying moving caravan of camels, which seemed to be floating above the hall.

The book is opening and the field turns into star sky with the Great Bear or Edigen as it is called by Turkmens appears in front of the eyes of delighted spectators. Little boy and legendary wise man and spiritual guide of the nation Gorkut Ata speaking of the universe, its set up and the Milky Way appeared on the stage.

At this moment, the field is filled with young participants of the show – the children from dance ensembles and gymnastic sections. They hold glowing balls symbolizing stars and planets. The ‘tagma’ symbols of the ancestor of the nation Oguzkhan are displayed on the arena by laser beams. Gorkut Ata tells to the boy that the way of Turkmen nation is as light as the Milky Way and these roads are connected with the route of the Great Silk Road.

Next part of the show – “Music of Peace, Music of Friendship and Brotherhood” starts. This is the name of the book of President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, which content is filled with the feeling of unbreakable relation of times and generation, history and presence of Turkmen culture. Outstanding Turkmen musician Shukur-bakhshy appeared on the arena, which slowly is coloured in gold colours like the colour of magnificent Karakum desert, and started to play dutar. Boys and girls in national dress were around him. Charming sounds of dutar seemed to fly through the time, space and distances, urging the peoples of the planets to peace, friendship and brotherhood.

The melody subsided and turbulent invigorating spring appeared in the centre of the field and turned into water surface. Boys and girls performed original dance and the image of Water horse appeared on the arena coloured in blue. Inspiring words from book of the Head of the State “Rapid Pace of the Horse” were sounded.

Not a single celebration is held in Turkmen society without ahalteke horses from ancient time until our days. One of the best representatives of this famous breed – excellent Akhan dressed in decorated harness and traditional horse decorations, appeared in the centre of the arena. As is known, this horse from Ahalteke Equestrian Complex was listed in the Guinness Record Book as the winner of absolute world achievement.

Prancing with lightness and pride, Akhan left the arena, which turned into blooming spring field as by magic. This part of the performance was named after book of the President of Turkmenistan “Worshiping of Mother – Worshiping of Sacred Thing” and dedicated to wise original traditions and customs of Turkmen nation carefully passed from generations to generations. Under the sounds of guydduk and gopuz, ‘lyale’ girl songs were performed and the field is covered with beautiful Turkmen carpets and with the elements of national ornaments afterwards. Folk and dance ensembles of the country demonstrated their bright performance skills.

Undoubtedly, no celebration is held without ancient rite ‘kushtdepdy’ dance! Being original embodiment of unbreakable tie of times and generations, it became integral part of not only national but also the world cultural heritage. Therefore, ‘kushtdepdy’ dance was entered to the Representative List of Intangible Cultural heritage by the UNESCO.

Celebration was continued by the plot dedicated to Amul – Hazar 2018 rally, which was held in our country in September this year. Sport vehicle drove to the field, which is coloured again in gold colour of the Karakums, and made symbolical drifts, the route of eco-rally-raid, which brought together the racers from all over the world, run along legendary Great Silk Road, which is restored in new historical conditions this time.

The next part of the performance was held under slogan “Sports – The Way toward Friendship, Health and Beauty”. Turkmen athletes representing various sports appeared under energetic music accompaniment on the arena lit up by the spotlights and rainbow colours. The sportsmen includes field and track athletes, cyclists and of course the weightlifter who imitated the moment of lifting the weight demonstrated the determination to contest for the medals of the championship.

Original laser and light show was the top event of theatrical performance. Owing to modern multimedia equipment, the arena seemed to start moving and 3D images of the State Symbol and Flag of Turkmenistan, the Earth and flags of the countries participating in the World Weightlifting Championship appeared on its surface. Dynamic symbols of various sports emerged on the field replacing each other. Symbolical image of the weight and the emblem of the World Weightlifting Championship in Ashgabat was projected to the arena.

Laser beams picture the image of Ashgabat 2017 Games – friendly and faithful Vepaly, the alabay, which lifts the weight, ahalteke horses riding like a wind, caravan of camels going through Turkmen land. Slogan of the current year “Turkmenistan – the Heart of the Great Silk Road” appeared on the field.

“Go, Go, my Lovely Motherland, Turkmenistan” and “Ashgabat. The World Weightliftign Championship” emerged on the arena.

After laser and light show, the ceremony was continued by retiring of national Flags of countries participating in the world tournament, which appeared in alphabetic order. as per tradition, this original parade is completed by the State flag of the host of the championship – Turkmenistan.

After, the greeting of the President of Turkmenistan to the participants of the World Weightlifting Championship was read in solemn atmosphere. The greeting of the Head of the State was listened with great enthusiasm and met with loud applauses.

After, the floor was given to President of International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) Tamas Ajan, who addressing the participant highlighted that he is sincerely glad to see everyone in Ashgabat - beautiful capital of Turkmenistan, on the opening ceremony of 2018 World Weightlifting Championship. It was mentioned that there are several reasons for this tournament to be important. For example, the world weightlifting tournament would be held in 20 weight categories for the first time in the history.

The Head of IWF expressed the hope that new records would be set during these competitions and that these records would be distinguishing feature of the tournament. It was mentioned that this championship is the first step in the qualification for coming Olympic Games in Tokyo. It is also the first championship in Olympic sports that is held in Ashgabat.

Having highlighted that Turkmen side created optimum favourable conditions for this tournament including excellent sport facilities, Tamas Ajan expressed the gratitude to the President of Turkmenistan for big support and significant input to the development of the weightlifting.

The culmination moment came and the World Weightlifting Championship was announced to be opened!

Song “Go, Go, my Mother land, Turkmenistan!” written by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and performed by national art masters was the bright final chord of sport festival.

Fire of the torch built above the head of giant horse decorating the dome of the capital Olympic village was lit up again in honour of the opening of the World Weightlifting Championship as a symbol of the triumph of sport, peace and friendship, invariable commitment of Turkmenistan to ideals of international sport movement.