Ï Cotton growers in Sayat Etrap fulfill contractual obligations

Cotton growers in Sayat Etrap fulfill contractual obligations

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Cotton growers in Sayat Etrap, Lebap Velayat report on the fulfillment of the contractual obligations. They delivered more than 46.400 tons of cotton to the receiving points in the country.

Cotton growers of Chekich, Avchy and Bereket peasant associations in Sayat Etrap demonstrated the best results. Cotton growers in Avchy peasant association harvested more than 4.900 tons of ‘white gold’, including 280 tons in excess of the plan.

Cotton growers in Bereket peasant association harvested 4.735 tons of cotton that is 320 tons in excess of the plan

Cotton growers in Chekich peasant association harvested more than 3.350 tons of cotton, including 280 tons in excess of the plan.

A number of experienced land tenants achieved record-breaking harvest. Among them is G. Kerkiev from Bereket peasant association, who harvested more than 25 tons of cotton in 3.8 hectares that is twice more than was planned.

Tenant M. Yagmyrova harvested 6.6 tons of ‘white gold’ in one-hectare field. Tenant B. Muradov harvested 11.2 tons of cotton in two-hectare area that 3.8 tons in excess of the plan.