Ï Organization Committee of the VI Caspian Summit and I Caspian Economic Forum is under formation

Organization Committee of the VI Caspian Summit and I Caspian Economic Forum is under formation

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As is known, at the V Summit of the Heads of Caspian States, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov proposed the initiative on the VI Caspian Summit in Turkmenistan and the first Caspian Economic Forum in 2019, which were unanimously supported by all heads of the region.

In this regard, proposals for establishment of relative organizational committee of the Government level have been elaborated. Its main objectives define the preparation to the above-mentioned international events in Turkmenistan and timely solution of all relevant issues including the development of the agenda of the Summit, draft documents to be signed as well as the Concept of the I Caspian Economic Forum and other.

It was informed to the Head of the State by Vice-premier, Head of the Foreign Ministry Rashid Meredov at the session of the Government on November 2. Turkmen leader highlighted that issues related to Caspian Region take important place in foreign policy strategy of Turkmenistan based on the principles of positive neutrality, goodwill and equal beneficial partnership. Taking steadfast measures for improvement of multidimensional interstate cooperation and maximum involvement of huge economic, transport and energy potential of Caspian Sea, our country comprehensively supports perpetuate it as the sea of peace, friendship and harmony.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that today, the importance of Caspian region goes far beyond its borders. It turns into one of strategic centres of geopolitical and geo-economic processes and multimodal transport and transit hub of global level is formed in Caspian region

It provides the necessity of further consolidation of the efforts of Caspian states for realization of key directions of cooperation taking into account near and long-term perspective as well as consolidation of constructive dialog with competent international organizations and all interested partners.

The Vice-premier, the Head of Foreign Ministry received the assignments related to the promotion and realization of Turkmenistan’s initiatives for cooperation in Caspian Sea, provision of high level of coming international events.