Ï Private bakery manufacturers in the northern region prepare to start products export

Private bakery manufacturers in the northern region prepare to start products export

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The staff of the private enterprise “Yildirim” plans to deliver products to the foreign market. The company began to prepare the necessary documentation for export activities according to his manager, a member of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan, Oremukhammet Annagylydzhev. The enterprise for the production of bakery and confectionery products located in the administrative center of the Goroglu etrap of Dashoguz region can be cited as one of the examples of successful development in the Dashoguz region of the business segment. It was created eight years ago thanks to comprehensive state support, including a dedicated concessional loan.

Today, high-quality and inexpensive products from “Yildirimz” enjoy high consumer demand. Dough mixers, sbalene and unrolling machines, long-range ovens and other equipment purchased from leading European manufacturers allow manufacturing and supplying dozens of bakery and confectionery products to the distribution network. The team is working on expanding the product range. In the future, the entrepreneur intends to master the production of dairy products meeting high international standards.