Ï Members of the royal family attend the reception organized by the diplomatic mission of Turkmenistan in Riyadh

Members of the royal family attend the reception organized by the diplomatic mission of Turkmenistan in Riyadh

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The diplomatic mission of Turkmenistan in Riyadh, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia organized a reception dedicated to the 27th anniversary of Turkmenistan’s independence in the Palace of Culture.

Among the guests of honour to the event were Prince Faisal bin Bandar bin Abdulaziz Al Saud - Governor of Riyadh, Deputy Minister of the Interior of Saudi Arabia Dr. Nasser Bin Abdulaziz Al Daoud, the representatives of the Diplomatic Studies Institute, King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies, the Center for Research and Intercommunication Knowledge (CRIK), as well as the government officials, the representatives of ministries and departments, the city administration, the diplomatic corps accredited in the country, the GATM branch in Saudi Arabia and the Turkmen diaspora, businessmen and journalists.

According to those speaking during the reception, Turkmenistan and Saudi Arabia are connected with the friendly relations, historical and cultural affinity and the aspiration of the both countries for the bilateral cooperation. Since the establishment of the diplomatic relations, Turkmenistan and Saudi Arabia have efficiently collaborated in the bilateral level as well as in the framework of international organizations.

At present, the interstate dialogue has acquired the new quality and content. Among the promising areas of mutual interests are the fuel and energy sector, textile and food industry, financial and investment sphere, education, culture, sports and tourism. The constructive foreign-policy strategy contributes to enhancing the partnership.

It was underlined that Turkmenistan and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as the world energy powers develop cooperation in the fuel and energy, oil and gas sphere. The meeting participants emphasized the importance of the agreements, achieved in the framework of the official visit of the President of Turkmenistan to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in May, 2016.

In the context of the energy strategy of Turkmenistan, the particular attention was paid to the construction of the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) gas pipeline. The implementation of this ambitious project, aimed at achieving the sustainable development of the region and the social and economic revival of Afghanistan stand as a bright example of the partnership between Turkmenistan and Saudi Arabia.

The exhibition, showcasing the samples of the Turkmen decorative and applied arts: carpet and jewelry, national clothes, and household items was organized in the framework of the event.

The exhibition stands demonstrated the historical and cultural heritage, the key aspects of the foreign policy of Turkmenistan, the specifics of the socio-economic and socio-political development of Turkmenistan. The works by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov occupied the honourable place in the book section.