Ï Fourth day of weightlifting championship: New records and bright victories

Fourth day of weightlifting championship: New records and bright victories

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Fourth day of weightlifting championship: New records and bright victories
Fourth day of weightlifting championship: New records and bright victories
Fourth day of weightlifting championship: New records and bright victories
Fourth day of weightlifting championship: New records and bright victories
Fourth day of weightlifting championship: New records and bright victories
Fourth day of weightlifting championship: New records and bright victories
Fourth day of weightlifting championship: New records and bright victories
Fourth day of weightlifting championship: New records and bright victories
Fourth day of weightlifting championship: New records and bright victories
Fourth day of weightlifting championship: New records and bright victories
Fourth day of weightlifting championship: New records and bright victories
Fourth day of weightlifting championship: New records and bright victories
Fourth day of weightlifting championship: New records and bright victories
Fourth day of weightlifting championship: New records and bright victories
Winners of three sets of medals were defined on the fourth days of the World Weightlifting Championship. Men in the weight category up to 67 kg started contesting first. The contest in the snatch was between two Chinese weightlifters. The leadership was taken by Minhao Huang with 152 kg, however, his third attempt to break the world record was unsuccessful. Chen Lijung, who was two kg behind, has also did not managed the third attempt and took the second position. The bronze was taken Julio Ruben Mayora from Venezuela with 147 kg.

Chen Lichung was more lucky in the clean-and-jerk discipline who took the lead in the first attempt with 178 kg. He was taken over by representative of Uzbekistan Doston Yakubov for short time, who lifted 180 kg in the first attempt. However, Chinese athlete became gold medallist, having lifted 182 kg. Doston was on the second position. Being already the champion in this discipline, Cheng Luching has tried to beat the record but failed to lift 185 kg. Oscar Figueroa Mosquera from Colombia took the bronze.

Nevertheless, Chen Lijung set the world record by total of two disciplines 322 kg. His fellow citizen Minhao Huang took the silver and Julio Ruben Mayora (Venzuela) won bronze medal.

Sharp contest was among women in the weight category of 59 kg. Leader of B Group Thi Duyen Hoang (Vietnam), who lifted 103 kg in the snatch, has started in the contest among representatives of the strongest A Group. Sportswomen of A group had to overcome this result but only Kuo Hsing-Chun (Chinese Taipei) has managed to do that, having set the world record in the snatch 105 kg. 20-year old Latvian weightlifter Rebecca Koha lifted 103 kg and lost to the athlete from Vietnam.

In the clean-and-jerk, Kuo Hsing-Chun tried to lift record weight of 132 kg and managed it from the third attempt. However, Chen Guiming from the PRC renewed the record, having lifted 133 kg and won the gold. Mikiko Andoh from Japan lifted 131 kg and won the bronze. Latvian sportswoman set junior world record of 124 kg and became the third in total with another junior record of 227 kg. Kuo Sing Jung took the gold with the world record of 237 kg in total and Chen Guiming became the third.

The day was finished by the finals in men’s 73 kg. 18-year old representative of ur country Maksad Meredov was competing in this category. Maksad had two successful attempts but it was not enough to be among the leaders. Zhiyong Shi from China took the lead. In the snatch, he took 8 kg advantage at the closest opponent, having renewed the world record two times, which is 164 kg now in this weight category. Vadzim Likharad won silver medal. Another Chinese weightlifter Feng Lyudong was the third.

In the jerk, the weightlifters of A Group stood against representative of B group Jeongsik Won (the Republic of Korea), who set the record in this discipline 194 kg. The challenge was taken up by Zhiyong Shi who lifted 196 kg in the clean-and-jerk and 360 kg in total, having set three world records and won three gold medals. Two silver medals were won by Jeongsik Won. Nijat Rahimov from Kazakhstan took the bronze in the clean-and-jerk. Vadim Likharad won bronze medal in total.