Ï Turkmen national team win four gold medals of the World Ashihara Karate Tournament

Turkmen national team win four gold medals of the World Ashihara Karate Tournament

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Turkmen sportsmen won four gold medals at the World Ahihara Karate Championship in Gyor (Hungary) on November 2 – 4. The tournament has gathered 200 fighters from 14 countries and was distinguished by friendly atmosphere among the participants despite high competition.

Seyran Potarov (weight category above 85 kg), employee of one of the departments of the Ministry of Automobile Transport of Turkmenistan and Farhat Jumayev (up to 85 kg), officer of law enforcement agency of the country took the gold in sparring in Kyokushin karate.

Eziz Ovlyaguliyev, the coach of sport school No. 1 Kery etrap, Lebap velayat and Maksat Annagylyjov, 10-grade student of specialized language school No. 24 of Dashoguz who competed among juniors, took other two gold medals in the weight category above 85 kg.

Dayanch Gylychdurdiyev, the coach of sport school of Murgab etrap, Mary velayat won bronze medal in the weigth category 65 kg.