Ï More than one million tons of ‘white gold’ delivered to the receiving points of the country

More than one million tons of ‘white gold’ delivered to the receiving points of the country

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The success of the cotton growers is a result of the joint efforts of all agricultural workers and the large-scale transformations taken place in the industry as part of the agrarian reform initiated by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. The efficient use of land and water resources, the regional specialization of the agro-industrial complex, systematic introduction of market relations elements into the agricultural sector and a number of important aspects have received a new understanding and concrete embodiment in the modern agrarian policy of Turkmenistan.

That, in turn, is indissolubly related to the successful solution of such tasks as renovation of Turkmen villages, improvement of the farming standards, establishment of agrarian companies and processing enterprises, and development of the private sector.

The government provides support to the agricultural industry, including the technical re-equipment and modernization of the entire industrial infrastructure of the agro-industrial complex, the development of the chemical industry that produces mineral fertilizers, and the solution of land-improvement issues. Modern tractors, combines and other equipment are systematically purchased for the needs of the agro-industrial complex.

High mechanization and automation of labor-intensive processes stand as a key aspect of increasing the efficiency of agricultural production and the quality of life in rural areas. The purposeful steps in this area helped raising the prestige of the working specialties in the villages, attracting young specialists and improving employment.

Cotton and grain growing are the strategic directions of domestic agriculture. The production and processing of ‘white gold’ and ‘ak bugday wheat’ are among the key aspects of the agrarian reform, a characteristic feature of which was the fact that it is carried out in a fundamentally new economic environment, when an entrepreneurial initiative and development of various forms of ownership are strongly encouraged.

The cotton harvesting campaign continues. Tons of ‘white gold’ are delivered to the receiving points of the country every day.