Ï Tamas Ajan is impressed with outstanding organization of the Championship

Tamas Ajan is impressed with outstanding organization of the Championship

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According to President of International Weightlifting Federation Tamas Ajan, despite the fact that Ashgabat World Championship is almost only half way through, it can be stated that these competitions will enter the history of this sports as outstanding by all parameters. He said about it at bright opening ceremony of 2018 World Championship and it was the main subject of his interview to TDH:

-How do you find the conditions in the Olympic village of Turkmen capital for the guests and participants of the World Championship?

-This is my second visit to Ashgabat. First time, I have been here at the V Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games. Turkmenistan, especially the capital Ashgabat, impress me more and more every time. Stadiums, their amenities, comfortable hotels, all the conditions are so excellent that it opens wide opportunities for the biggest sport events of the planet.

-I would like to express my sincere delight with huge work on development of the sports that is carried out by His Excellency President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov as well as to address deep gratitude to the Leader of Turkmen nations for the invitation of our weightlifting community living in different parts of the world to your country, for excellent conditions made for such difficult in organizational aspect event as the world championship. Owing to such hospitality and friendly attention, we do not have any difficulties, which are normally typical for such large-scale events.

-What are the main distinguishing features of current world tournament?

-This World Championship has special importance for us as recently, we adopted new weight categories for men and women as well as Olympic weight categories at the Congress of International Weightlifting Federation. Around 800 sportsmen from hundreds of American, European, Asian, African and Oceania countries try themselves in the first qualification round of the Olympic Games.

-Outstanding sportsmen from many countries of the world showed unbelievable enthusiasm and wish to participate in the World Championship and to get cherished qualification for the Olympics in Tokyo.

-I will repeat that organization of the Championship is outstanding and it is held on the highest level. I can not remember such championship for many years of work! We saw an excellent sample of the biggest planet competitions in your country.

-Despite the fact that Ashgabat Championship is almost half way through, many world records have been already set, around 40, if I am not mistaken. However, there is plenty of time to increase the number of the world achievements in the weightlifting significantly in fantastically beautiful Turkmen capital.

-What can you say about the composition of the teams?

-The composition of the participants of the Championship is quite impressive both in quantitative and qualitative relation as well as in geographic scale. Taking into account the statistics for the last five years, for example, 315 sportsmen from 54 countries took part in 2013 World Championship in Poland, while, I will repeat, around 800 sportsmen came to Turkmenistan100 countries.

-And everybody was shocked - we had such an excellent reception in Ashgabat. Grandiose sport complexes of the Olympic village thoughtfully built for sportsmen and spectators raise the delight. I would like to say few words about the catering – the menu takes into account various tastes, the food products are fresh and healthy, which definitely makes effect on high results of the participants of the competition. Big plus to all of these, is that Turkmen people are very hospitable, cordial and sympathetic.

-The problem with doping is very critical issue in modern sport. What can you say on this subject?

-Great team of professionals, excellently composed and high organized, is working here at Ashgabat World Championship. The contests are fair and pure despite high competition and fight for the medals. Nevertheless, the issue of using doping by the sportsmen was never raised and I am confident that International Olympic Committee is watching it closely.

-Do you have your life motto, which helps you in your work?

-I try to help everyone who I meet in life and work. Being the President of International Weightlifting Federation, I try to support the balance between human and professional relations. Our Federation includes 192 countries and I do everything to manage this organization fairly and in the right way.

- Probably, there will be more supporters of this sports after the World Weightlifting Championship. What will be your advice to young sportsmen?

-I agree that such events make big impression on the children. I think that boys and girls will start going to Turkmen weightlifting classes. This is the reason we organize the competitions including this world championship to attract the youth to the sports, particular to the weightlifting, to stimulate the interest of growing generation to regular athletic exercises.

-Sport is very important especially in our days and I think that the weightlifting is one of the main sports as during training for the competitions, the athletes do various sports developing this or that skill.

-I have read very instructive works of the President of Turkmenistan. I am delighted with the attention he pays to development and promotion of the sports. This is very important for the health of the nation. It is not necessary to be professional, to fight for the Olympic Games or medals. Doing sport helps to achieve the success in any other activity. I agree with the opinion of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov who inspires his fellow countrymen by personal example for healthy life style on the fact that the government of any country has to support the development of sports purposefully, the way it is made in Turkmenistan where the sports became true national idea.