Ï Honouring of retiring excellent soldiers takes place

Honouring of retiring excellent soldiers takes place

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Honouring of retiring excellent soldiers takes place
Honouring of retiring excellent soldiers takes place
Honouring of retiring excellent soldiers takes place
Honouring of retiring excellent soldiers takes place
Honouring of retiring excellent soldiers takes place
Honouring of retiring excellent soldiers takes place
Today, Turkmenistan demonstrates new approaches to the solution of important international issues declaring itself as a state invariably standing from the positions of universal peace, prosperity and global security.

This policy of peace-loving, goodwill and transparency, which is initiated and steadily implemented by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, became actual tool for support of stability in Central Asian region.

TDH reported has visited the ceremony of retirement of regular military service personnel held in Berdymuhamed Annayev Secondary School No. 27 of Yzgant village, Gyoktepe etrap.

Combat training of regular service personnel of the Armed Forces strictly complies with Military doctrine of independent neutral Turkmenistan, which has exclusively defensive character. Soldiers who deservingly served their military duty and received military speciality will be retired and come back home.

Young man receives many knowledge for two years in army. The skills acquired in military service are normally used after the retirement. For example, signal personnel can find work in the departments of the Ministry of Communication of Turkmenistan. Soldiers of tank units will easily manage with agricultural machines. There are plenty of examples.

All of these is the result of the fact that recently, the reforms in the army and bringing of military service to absolutely new level are taken under personal patronage of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

In all military divisions, the personnel lives in new 4- or 5-storey buildings, which meet modern requirements for the barracks.

Living conditions of service are worth to be highlighted. Sleeping quarters are spotless, personal hygiene issues are rationally solved. Room temperature inside the barracks is almost the same all year around, therefore, the risk of seasonal diseases is reduced to the minimum. Composition of dishes is balanced, nutritious and designed to content vitamins and microelements, which make positive health effect of regular service personnel.

We spoke about physical training and the role of sports with Major Nuryagdy Akmammedov, the Deputy Commander of the Military Division on Education, the artillery officer. Here is what he told us:

- Our division has excellent conditions for physical development of young man, for encouragement of his intent to do sports. We have many sport grounds for varios physical exercises.

Sport facilities located at the territory of the Military Academy of the Ministry of Defence including swimming pool, volleyball and basketball ground, football field and table tennis ground and many other are at the disposal of young soldiers. Watanchy Ice-hockey Club was also formed up from military personnel and successfully plays in local competitions.

It is worth reminding that success of Turkmenistan National team at the V Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games, which were held one year ago in Ashgabat, was contributed by the sportsmen from military divisions. Today, National weightlifting team at the world championship in the capital also includes the representative of the Ministry of Defence, Master of sports Izzatbek Meredov who compete in 89 kg weight category. The team also has sportsmen from Border Guard Service and the Ministry of Interior.

It became good tradition to organize celebrations and commemorative events on military personnel retirement. For example, this time, the day of the soldiers who served their two years duty has started from the visit to Berdymuhamed Annayev Secondary School No. 27 of Yzgant village, Gyoktepe etrap.

Recently, Berdymuhamed Annayev has been posthumously awarded with the Medal of Honour according to the Decree of President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. Soldiers of various military divisions laid flowers to the monument of the grandfather of the President of Turkmenistan. After, young men visited local history museum organized in the school.

The concert in the Cultural Club of the settlement continued celebration programme. Ceremonial part has started from the award of the soldiers and sergeants who distinguished themselves during the service with certificates and valuable gifts. Singers and military musicians performed afterwards replacing each other at the stage. It is worth mentioning that all artists were the soldiers serving their regular military duty and successfully combining combat training with cultural development. Moreover, military personnel not just takes active part in national song, music, literature and other contests but also wins them.

Before we left we spoke with the cannon commander, junior Sereant Serdar Yazmuradov who retired: - I am very happy and proud that I had military service in the Armed Forces of Turkmenistan and master very interesting military speciality. The Army gave and taught me a lot. I gained new friends and realized what it means to be the patriot of the Motherland.

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Yes, Turkmenistan is neutral state pursuing peace-loving policy and not accepting any other methods of solution of international issues except peaceful, political and diplomatic measures.

However, this is current objectives to have modern and dynamically developing Armed Forces as a method of education of young generation in the spirit of patriotism, which Turkmenistan successfully solves.

Looking at young men who have two years of difficult military service behind you believe that this is the future of our country. Homeland can rely on them and they will never fail.

We will continue paying great attention to the strengthening of our Armed Forces as every state has to be able to protect its people. We will improve living conditions of our military personnel as peace of our citizens depends on life of military personnel and service conditions. – Turkmen leader Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlights.