Ï Artem Okulov is the winner of two gold medals of weightlifting tournament

Artem Okulov is the winner of two gold medals of weightlifting tournament

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Artem Okulov is the winner of two gold medals of weightlifting tournament
Artem Okulov is the winner of two gold medals of weightlifting tournament
Artem Okulov is the winner of two gold medals of weightlifting tournament
Artem Okulov is the winner of two gold medals of weightlifting tournament
Artem Okulov is the winner of two gold medals of weightlifting tournament
Artem Okulov is the winner of two gold medals of weightlifting tournament
Artem Okulov is the winner of two gold medals of weightlifting tournament
Artem Okulov is the winner of two gold medals of weightlifting tournament
Artem Okulov is the winner of two gold medals of weightlifting tournament
Artem Okulov is the winner of two gold medals of weightlifting tournament
Artem Okulov is the winner of two gold medals of weightlifting tournament
Artem Okulov is the winner of two gold medals of weightlifting tournament
Artem Okulov is the winner of two gold medals of weightlifting tournament
Artem Okulov is the winner of two gold medals of weightlifting tournament
Men’s 89 weight category competitions were held in hard fought contest. In snatch discipline, the sportsmen were so equal that the difference between the leaders and the tenth position was only four kg. Hence, in this situation, the result of the last attempt could brign the sportsmen to pedestal or take out of the ten.

Arley Mendez Perez from Chili and Pavel Khadasevich were the best to manage physiological tension. They both lifted 169 kg but Chilean sportsman won as he lifted the weight earlier. 168 kg was also lifted by two weightlifters but the bronze went to Jhor Moreno Torres from Columbia.

Two favourites were outlined immediately in clean-and-jerk discipline, which did not event get to the three of the leaders in the snatch. They declared more than 200 kg in the first attempt and managed the weight successfully. Artem Okulov from Russia lifted the weight of 203 kg and Hacob Mkrtchyan from Armenia 205 kg but unfortunately he did not have any successful attempts after. Russian sportsman won the gold not only in this discipline but in total having lifted 206 kg. the bronze in the clean-and-jerk was taken by Giovanni Vallenilla Sanchez from Venezuela.

Pavel Khadasevich won the silver in total. Revaz Davitadze from Georgia won the bronze in addition to three junior records in total 371 kg, in the snatch – 168 kg and in the clean-and-jerk – 203 kg.

On the seventh day of the competition, the fans will be able to watch the contest for champion titles in women’s 76 kg and men’s 96 kg in the Martial Arts Sport Complex of Ashgabat Olympic village.