Ï Cotton growers in Ahal Velayat fulfil contractual obligations

Cotton growers in Ahal Velayat fulfil contractual obligations

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Cotton growers in Ahal Velayat, who are the first in the country to report on the fulfillment of the contractual obligations, achieved an important labour victory, delivering more than 207,000 tons of ‘white gold’ to the receiving points of the country.

Festivities were arranged on the occasion of the labour victory of Ahal Velayat cotton growers. The heads and leading specialists of the Ahal Velayat Hyakimlik, agricultural workers took part in the celebrations. According to those speaking during the festivities, together with agricultural workers, combine operators, drivers who ensured an uninterrupted transportation of the crops, significantly contributed to the fulfillment of the contractual obligations.

Those present expressed gratitude to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for the continuing concern about the agricultural workers in rural areas, the created conditions for the dignified life and fruitful work, and assured that they would apply every effort to fulfill the tasks set to the agricultural works in the country.

The cotton harvesting campaign in Ahal Velayat continues. The fields free from cotton are preparing for interplanted crops.