Ï The President of Turkmenistan sets objectives on improvement of library activity

The President of Turkmenistan sets objectives on improvement of library activity

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President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov visited the State Cultural Centre where he inspected the development of library system and expansion of the main methodology centre of this sphere – the State Library of Turkmenistan.

Having arrived in the square of the State Cultural Centre, the Head of the State went to the building of the Book exhibition Centre where the President of the country was met by Deputy Chairpersons of the Cabinet of Ministers P. Agamyradov and B. Abdiyeva.

As is known, plying important role in the enrichment of cultural outlook of the people, the book is thought to be the main tool of cultural and intellectual progress both in ancient times and in modern society. Due to the attention of the Head of the State to the development of culture, libraries with advanced equipment and electronic systems work in every parts of the country, which supports the attraction of youth and stimulation of education interest.

The head of the State library presented new exposition consisting of several sections. Special place in the exposition is given to the works of Turkmen leader Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, which were published in different years and gained big popularity including among foreign readers due to translation to many world languages.

It is worth reminding that the issue of transfer of the building of the departments of the State Museum to the authority of the State Library for improvement of activity of the main book storage of the country was highlighted at the session of the Cabinet of Ministers on October 19. Nowadays, this building accommodates some departments of the State Library as well as premises for book exhibition and storage of the literature given by the State Publishing Service to Galkynysh Book Centre.

Having expressed the gratitude to Turkmen leader for close attention to the arrangement of cultural and educational work on modern level, the head of the library invited the Head of the State to look around exhibition sections, one of which demonstrates the books of the President of the country that were published in different years.

Having noted that respect that Turkmen nation pays to the book comes from the depth of the centuries, the Head of the State said that our ancestors educated growing generation on the principles of respect to wise word. At present time, 230 state and public libraries with 11 million printing productions work in the country.

Having cited wise saying of the ancestors “Who reads the book, gets spiritual food”, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that our people has deepest convictions on this account. The Head of the State also said that modern libraries have to be multifunctional centres of cultural and educational work where cultural meetings and scientific discussions can be organized.

We have to popularize centuries-old glorious history of our people, national values, grandiose success using the books and wide-scale library activity and to give it future generations, the Head of the State noted. Having highlighted that books are very important in the formation of the values, the President said that libraries have to be the centres of social life.

Another section is “Book – Source of Knowledge” presenting numerous publications of different directions including scientific, fiction and educational materials.

Another section “Health – the Main Wealth” represent all volumes of encyclopaedic work of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov “Medicinal Plants of Turkmenistan” and other books dedicated to health care of the population, development of sanatorium and resort business, medical science and other.

Giving high appraisal to the role of book in social life, the President highlighted significant opportunities of the libraries in the education of our citizens in the spirit of moral purity, mercifulness, kindness and patriotism. At the same time, the Head of the State noted the necessity of periodic publishing of the books containing wise sayings, which educate noble features in our people.

Equipment and facility base of book printing houses is also modernized according to high time demands. The President of the country noted that Turkmen State Publishing Service, which has high production equipment from the world companies, has to arrange systematic production of fiction books together with printing of text books.

Foundation of Galkynysh Book Centre, which provides the libraries with new political, scientific and fiction books, is very important. It is necessary to continue improving book industry and holding profile fairs, exhibitions and scientific conferences every year, the President noted.

The Head of the State focused on the fact that we have to treat such principles of our ancestors as education of the generations using books with special respect. The President highlighted the importance of proper arrangement of cultural and educational activity in this direction among the youth, having addressed Vice-premier P. Agamyradov with relevant assignments.

Cultural Heritage section of the exhibition hall of the State Library has bright dioramas visually narrating about the main stages of the history of Turkmens from the ancient times until our days. Looking around this section, the President said that in the past, our ancestors taught young generation by high ideas and spiritual values, which contained in manuscripts. The section has books, which supplemented the treasury of the world cultural heritage including “Gyorogly” and other destans, works of Magtumguly Fragi and other classic poets who inspired our nations throughout the centuries and teaching young generations to be patriots, brave and honest people. The Head of the State noted that story “Book” of famous writer Nurmyrat Saryhanov reflects the most respectable attitude of our people to the book.

Having looked around the Book Exhibition Centre, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave some instructions for development of certain moments in organization of literature exposition and for giving more visibility and expressiveness. This place has to be attractive for youth, students who would be able to find many useful things for study and general outlook, the Head of the State said.

At the same time, the conditions for various meetings with scientists and authors, cultural sessions, reading contests have to be made, the Head of the State noted, having highlighted that today, books play great role in life of Turkmen society, spiritual education of young generation and formation of the outlook.

After, Turkmen leader went in to the main building of the State Library where he inspected the arrangement of unified electronic system “Turkmen Study” and reference department of the library.

Equipment for registration of readers, processing of the applications, search of necessary information and reading of electronic books in velayat, etrap and city libraries united into single network was presented to the attention of the President of the country.

Computer service, control and storage system allows expanding the services provided for the readers, improving the issue of books, facilitates the access and supports the safekeeping of rare and valuable books. The President inspected the work of the system, which unites all libraries by fast finding of necessary book by the name, author or language.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave orders on wide promotion of this method that allow saving reader’s time. today, when strategy of industrialization and modernization of production is implemented in the country, different scientific and technical publications in foreign languages are highly required and they have to be available for the readers, especially for scientific personnel, specialists and students. Libraries have to have electronic and web services according to high time demands, the Head of the State said having addressed relevant instructions to Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers.

The President of Turkmenistan noted that the Government would take all measures for improvement as well as for modern organization of library activity, its coordination with other aspects of the country’s life. Giving the instructions for further digitization of library work, methodological assistance and scientific consultations to velayat libraries, theHead of the State noted again that special respectable attitude of Turkmens to the books comes from the depth of the ages.

Grandiose success of our country, reforms in scientific, educational and cultural spheres make effect on the activity of libraries requiring more intensification, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted. Having colossal spiritual values, libraries are very important in social life being the centres of culture and education.

In the end of the visit to the State Cultural Centre, the President made proposal according to which all three buildings of the complex would be allocated for the library in the future. It will be the main national library centre and we will make all conditions for systematic scientific, methodological, cultural and educational work. It would be logical to build the Mukams Palace near Turkmen National Conservatory, the President of the country said.

It has to meet the status of the main concert ground of the country and to have big halls, record studios, training rooms for rehearsals of musical and choreographic collectives, multi-purpose grounds for other events, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted. Undoubtedly, it is necessary to equip it with the best appliances designated for theatre and concert programmes, acoustic and lighting systems and other hardware, the Head of the State said.

Architectural image of the Palace has to express the originality of Turkmen musical culture and modern style at the same time. however, the most important thing is to create all conditions for inspired creative activity, implementation of talents, improvement of professional skills of the performers and for new making new beautiful works, the Head of Turkmenistan highlighted.

Having noted that success in all spheres of industrialization of the country and transfer to digital economy are related to the formation of comprehensive scientific base, the Head of the State ordered to arrange systematic work in this direction.

Dialog in cultural sphere is some sort of the tuning fork of the relations between Turkmen state and the world community, the way to establish intercivilizational contacts as well as supports the achievement of understanding between the nations, integration of our country to the world cultural space, the Head of the State summed up, having specified again the objectives in this sphere including the development of library activity.

Having wished the success to all participants in solution of important objectives given at current meeting, Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov left the place of event.