Ï The President of Turkmenistan receives the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey

The President of Turkmenistan receives the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey

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The President of Turkmenistan receives the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey
President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov received Foreign Minister of the Republic of Turkey Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu.

Having expressed sincere gratitude for spared time, the guest conveyed the greetings of President of Turkey Recep Tayip Erdogan to the Head of the State who addressed the best wishes to fraternal Turkmen people. At the same time, the commitment of Turkish side to traditionally friendly relations with Turkmenistan , which are successfully developed in all spectrum, has been confirmed.

Having returned warm greetings to the Head of the Republic of Turkey, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov stated with delight constructive steadfast character of interstate dialog. Turkmenistan and Turkey are connected by fruitful versatile cooperation meeting the interests of both countries and the objectives of prosperity in regional and global scale.

Continuing the meeting, the Head of the State and his guest exchanged the views on the perspectives of Turkmen – Turkish partnership in the context of bilateral agreements and realization of considerable potential in different spheres. Trade and economic sphere, energy, transport and communication sector and other have been outlined among priority directions of cooperation. Perspective of creation of international transit and transport corridor Afghanistan – Turkmenistan – Azerbaijan – Georgia – Turkey (Lazuli route) has been discussed in this aspect.

The Head of Turkish Foreign Ministry expressed deep gratitude to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for the support given to Turkish businessmen who express keen interest in further improvement of beneficial relations with Turkmenistan, which has favourable investment climate and implements big infrastructural projects and large-scale reforms.

Humanitarian sphere is integral and important part of interstate relations, which is caused by historical, cultural and spiritual similarity uniting the nations of two countries. Big experience of joint work was gained in this sphere and favourable opportunity for intensification of fruitful cooperation in education and science, culture and art, sport and tourism are available.

At the same time, it was highlighted that Turkmenistan and Turkey cooperate efficiently in the format of competent regional and international organizations demonstrating similar positions in topical modern challenges, first of all those related to the provision of global peace and security and achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

In the end of the meeting, President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Foreign Minister of the Republic of Turkey Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu expressed the confidence that resting on unbreakable friendship relations and invariable good will of the sides, old interstate partnership would continue to be developed filling with new content

Mustafa Kapucu, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Turkey to Turkmenistan took part in the meeting.