Ï President of Turkmenistan Congratulates Compatriots on Harvest Festival

President of Turkmenistan Congratulates Compatriots on Harvest Festival

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Celebrating the Harvest Festival on the government level as a major holiday has a deeper meaning. This festival reflects the pride that the people of our country take in the success achieved through selfless labor of farmers. The Harvest Festival symbolizes the tribute to tenants as the government’s recognition of their creative efforts, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov states in his congratulatory Address to rural workers and all compatriots.

The Turkmen land yields abundant harvests. The country’s food security strengthens. Currently the country is enjoying full-fledged production of crops, vegetables, cucurbitaceous plants, fruits and berries that ensues from the policy reforms ongoing in the country. Good results are obtained in the production of raw cotton.

As a follow-up to the historic first session of the People’s Council and with a view to further promoting reforms in agriculture, we have created special land funds to allocate plots to agricultural producers for the long-term land use.

Reforms in agriculture ensure the food surplus inside the country and seek to promote the rational use of water and land resource, the wider involvement of private producers into agriculture, the increased production of agricultural and other products made in Turkmenistan that enjoy a great demand on both domestic and foreign markets.

We create a favorable environment for the effective work of land tenants and systematically purchase high-capacity agricultural machinery and equipment. We provide mineral fertilizers, high-quality seeds and pest control to rural workers at reduced prices. Payments to farmers for submitted products are settled on time.

The rural workers respond to such government concern with dedicated work and worthy contributions to the development of this sector. Economic privileges for agricultural producers and the adequate assessment of their work testify to the honor the country renders to rural workers. The State will continue to create all necessary conditions for land tenants to ensure their happiness and well-being, the President stressed in his Address.