Ï Government Procurement Plan for Cotton Fulfilled in Turkmenistan

Government Procurement Plan for Cotton Fulfilled in Turkmenistan

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov heard reports by the governors of Ahal, Dashoguz, Lebap and Mary provinces on the successful fulfillment by land tenants of their contractual obligations for the production of raw cotton. The head of state also received a report by the governor of Balkan province on the delivery of the planned volumes of fruits and vegetables.

On behalf of rural workers, the senior officials of the regions congratulated the head of state on the labor victory of Turkmen farmers. The attendees stressed that fundamental transformations were successfully being carried out in our country.

Much attention is devoted to the modernization and diversification of the agricultural sector of the national economy; the improvement of the mechanisms of economic incentive in farming; the forming of modern economic relations in rural areas; and the development of various forms of ownership. The sector is undergoing a technical upgrade with introduction of advanced technology. Modern processing facilities, major flour mills, breeding, poultry and greenhouse complexes were built in every province. Thanks to the comprehensive government support, volumes of agricultural production in demand both on the domestic and foreign markets are systematically increased.

As part of the implementation of government programs, primarily the National Program for Improving Social and Living Conditions in Villages, Settlements, Towns and Administrative Centers, every region of the country changed beyond recognition. Comfortable housing, perfectly equipped schools, kindergartens, medical and cultural centers, sporting facilities, modern villages with exemplary infrastructure are being built in the provinces, thus improving the well-being of the people.

Farmers submitted to the government over 1 million 50 thousand tons of “white gold”. Having honorably fulfilled the obligations, land tenants continue working at full tilt to collect every cotton boll of the remaining harvest.

Then the children, the young envoys of provinces, carrying sacks full of snow-white cotton, congratulated the Turkmen leader on this tremendous labor victory achieved by the masters of “white gold”.

The head of state thanked the children for their congratulations and wishes and handed them gifts. At their request, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov had his photo taken with the children.

Then the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, E.Orazgeldiyev, took the floor to report that the tenant cotton farmers submitted to the State over 1 million 50 thousand tons of “white gold” and thus have fulfilled the government procurement plan. The Vice Premier congratulated the President of Turkmenistan on the success of rural workers and stressed that the reforms in agriculture had borne fruit.

Then the Chair of the National Parliament of Turkmenistan, the Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers, the heads of military and law enforcement authorities of the country, the governors of provinces and the mayor of Ashgabat expressed to the head of state their congratulation on the successful fulfillment by the country’s cotton farmers of contractual obligations.

On behalf of Turkmen farmers and all residents of the provinces, the attendees conveyed to the President of Turkmenistan their heartiest gratitude for his concern for the development of agriculture and care for the hard-working laborers, and expressed their wishes for long life, immense energy and new outstanding achievements in his tireless work.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed the attendees and noted that the masters of “white gold” would celebrate the Harvest Festival with a tremendous labor victory. Having submitted over 1 million 50 thousand tons of high-quality cotton, they honorably fulfilled their contractual obligations. In this regard, the head of state thanked the country’s cotton farmers and all agricultural workers for their dedicated work and achieved milestones.

During the years of independence, along with other branches of the economy, agriculture has been rapidly developing. Reforms in this field show positive results, said the President and noted that the State created all conditions for the highly productive work of farmers, who are afforded advanced machinery, fertilizers, water and other necessary resources.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov reiterated his congratulations to the cotton farmers and all agricultural workers on their labor victory and wished them good health, family well-being, happiness and every success.