Ï Oil processing products, carbamide, sheet glass and yarn at the transactions of the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange of Turkmenistan

Oil processing products, carbamide, sheet glass and yarn at the transactions of the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange of Turkmenistan

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23 transactions were registered at the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange of Turkmenistan last week.

Businessmen from the UAE purchased first straight-run gasoline produced at the Seydi oil refinery. Businessmen from Russia, the UK, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Turkey, the UAE purchased B-type carbamide (Turkmenhimiya State Concern).

Businessmen from Turkey, the UAE and Armenia purchased sheet glass and cotton yarn to the amount of more than 57.299 million US dollars.

Businessmen from Russia, the UK, Canada, the UAE, Turkey concluded transactions in deposit manats for polypropylene sticks, cotton yarn to the amount of more than 8.011 million manats.

Turkmen businessmen purchased petroleum asphalt, polypropylene and cotton fibre to the amount of more than 683.000 manats.