Ï Turkmenistan celebrates Harvest Festival

Turkmenistan celebrates Harvest Festival

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Turkmenistan celebrates Harvest Festival
Turkmenistan celebrates Harvest Festival
Turkmenistan celebrates Harvest Festival
Turkmenistan celebrates Harvest Festival
Turkmenistan celebrates Harvest Festival
Turkmenistan celebrates Harvest Festival
Turkmenistan celebrates Harvest Festival
Turkmenistan celebrates Harvest Festival
Turkmenistan celebrates Harvest Festival
Turkmenistan celebrates Harvest Festival
Turkmenistan celebrates Harvest Festival
Turkmenistan celebrates Harvest Festival
Turkmenistan celebrates Harvest Festival
Turkmenistan celebrates Harvest Festival
Celebration events on occasion of Harvest Festival, which sums up the outcomes of agricultural season, were held across the country. The capital was the centre of celebration events where representatives of the best farming associations and best agricultural personnel arrived from all parts of the country.

Scientific and practical conference “The Silk Road: Agricultural Production and World Market” organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Management and Agricultural University started its work the day before the event.

Specialists of profile organizations, representatives of Agrarian Party, business entities and entrepreneurs of agricultural sphere, scientist and experts, foreign partners of heavy machinery production facilities as well as students took part in the forum.

Guests from Russian Federation, Switzerland, Germany, Great Britain, Netherlands, Japan, United Arab Emirates, Turkey, Afghanistan, Belarus, Moldova, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan were among foreign delegates. These are top managers of such international corporations, the leaders in production of equipment and machinery, plant protection and seeds production as John Deer International GmbH, C.A. Cotton LLP, Syngenta, Zeppelin International AG, CLAAS, ITOCHU Corporation as well as trade and investment companies.

Video conference was held with Turkmen Agricultural institute in Dashoguz during the forum. After plenary part of the conference, the work was continued in the format of sectional sessions. The main subjects included the development of world and regional cotton and textile industry, international quality standards and pricing mechanisms. Promotion of the production of Turkmen cotton and silk in the world markets, modern objectives of development of cotton growing and cotton industry of Turkmenistan were reviewed. The reports on ecological theme raised great interest of the participants.

Honouring of the best agricultural personnel, scientist, selectionists and other agrarian specialists who make deserving contribution to development of agricultural complex of the country was held in the conference hall of the Mukams Palace. The award ceremony of agricultural specialists with the medal «Watana bolan söýgüsi üçin» (For Love of Motherland) and conferment of the title Honoured Agricultural Worker of Turkmenistan according to the Decree of the Head of the State also took place.

Members of the Cabinet of Ministers, leaders of the Mejlis, heads of diplomatic missions accredited in Turkmenistan, representatives of ministries and departments, capital and regional administrations, public organizations, mass media, scientific and cultural sphere, art masters, elders, students, residents and guests of the capital were among the participants of the event.

On behalf of the personnel of agricultural complex of the country, excellent horse Bereketly, which pedigree goes back to famous ancestors, was presented to the President of Turkmenistan.

Exhibition of achievements of agricultural complex of Turkmenistan was opened under the celebration. Exposition prepared by representatives of profile departments presented the samples of production of cotton and grain production spheres, livestock breeding, food and textile industry, as well as modern equipment.

Variety of cucurbitaceous crops, fruits and vegetables, berries and green, which are sold at present time in shopping centres and markets of the country was widely presented at the exhibition.

Brightly decorated displays with variety of bakery, pasta and confectionary in bright packs of “Hasar”, “Degirmen”, “Tomus” – all of these are the success of private sector oriented to production of quality food items in the context of import substitution.

Atmosphere of the festival as highlighted by performance of bakhshys and choreographic collectives as well as national wrestling and games. The guests were treated with the best dishes of Turkmen cuisine in neatly decorated traditional tents. Local painters and jewellers presented their best works.

Celebration sessions and honouring of best agricultural personnel as well as sport competitions and cultural events were held under festive programme in all parts of the country.