Ï President of Turkmenistan: education and sports – priority areas that define the world development

President of Turkmenistan: education and sports – priority areas that define the world development

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed the participants of the International exhibition and conference, dedicated to the development of education and sports, and expressed belief that the forum would play a significant role in studying the advanced experience, discussing the important issues and contributing to the intensification of the international cooperation in this area.

“Education and sports rank among the priority areas that define the world development. We attach particular importance to the complex modernization and systematic reformation of education and sports in the framework of the national and state programmes as a key factor for the further improvement of the social and living conditions in the country.

“Setting up a target to transform Turkmenistan into a dynamically developing state that is able to compete in the political, economic and cultural space in the world, we, first of all, have started training specialists, who understand the achievements of the scientific-technological progress and the innovations. In order to do that, we invest significant funds into the national system of education. We implement the ambitious reforms to bring the quality and content of the sphere of education in compliance with the international standards. We erect new buildings for secondary and professional schools; enhance the material and technical, scientific and methodological basis of all levels of the educational system.

“We speed up the digitalization of all branches of the national economy, including the education. The best international practices, new disciplines, computer and laboratory equipment, textbooks and educational aids have been introduced into the educational process in the shortest time possible. We have brought up the physically and morally healthy generation, well-educated, hardworking and enthusiastic patriots of our country, the young citizens with the wide worldview. This is our greatest success! People of knowledge make a country stronger.

“The country has applied the sustained efforts to develop the physical culture, sports and Olympic movement. The sports and equestrian complexes, stadiums, sports schools and the Olympic Village that meet the international standards are built in the country.

“In 2017, Ashgabat hosted the V Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games. This year, we have organized a bike ride, cross-country run and Amul-Hazar 2018 International motor rally along the route of the great Silk Road. The World Weightlifting Championship has recently finished in the Turkmen capital. All these remarkable events have demonstrated Turkmenistan’s successes and achievements in the development of sports and physical culture. We will continue this work.

“In our state policy, we consider all factors of the continuous growth of the level and volumes of knowledge, as well as the international experience that makes peoples closer. In the sphere of education and sports, we actively work with the states, international organizations and regional structures. The fact that the United Nations declared June 3 as the International World Bicycle Day, by adopting the Resolution on April 12th 2018, during the 72nd Regular Session of the UN General Assembly, vividly testifies to the international community’s support and recognition of Turkmenistan’s initiatives, aimed at strengthening peace and cooperation. We will always contribute to the development of the multi-sided international cooperation in the spheres of education and sports”, underlines the President of Turkmenistan in his Address.