Ï Turkmen leader set the objectives for development of economy, sport and culture

Turkmen leader set the objectives for development of economy, sport and culture

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held regular video conference session with the participation of some Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers, heads of number of ministries and epartments and the hyakim of Ashgabat. The agenda included priority objectives of development of the branches of national economy and social and cultural sphere as well as the implementation of integrated reforming programmes.

Opening the session, the Head of the State called Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldiyev who reported on seasonal agricultural work. At present, cotton harvesting is continued in the velayats and necessary agricultural activities for care of the winter crops are carried out.

Technical fleet of national agricultural complex is renewed on regular basis. In this context, it was reported that relevant Memorandum between the Government of Turkmenistan and American John Deere International GmbH has been signed on the previous day. In this regard, it was mentioned that high productive John Deere equipment has recommended itself very good and is actively used in agricultural works in our country.

The Vice-premier also reported on the fulfilment of the assignments given by the President on development of water management, improvement of international cooperation in this sphere including with structural divisions of the UN and International Fund for Saving of Aral Sea.

Having highlighted that according to national priorities and undertaken international obligations, Turkmenistan makes significant contribution to regional and global cooperation in such interrelated spheres as protection and careful use of water resources and ecology, the Head of the State requested the Vice-premier to continue steadfast work on implementation of international initiatives of the country in ecological, water and energy range of problems. Objectives on involvement of the potential of national water management sector and improvement of the activity of this sphere have been outlined.

It includes the realization of the projects for expansion of existing and construction of new water reserves and other water facilities including desalination units where it is necessary as well as implementation of modern irrigation methods taking into account natural and climate conditions of the country, advanced technologies of rational water use and improvement of the soil condition.

Having highlighted seasonal agricultural campaigns, the Head of the State ordered the vice-premier to accelerate the work in the fields in order to complete the harvesting of cotton as well as to pay special attention to storage condition of picked crops.

After, Minister of Culture A. Shamyradov reported on the situation on ths sphere, organization of coming events including international activity.

Having listened to the report, the President noted the necessity of improvement of organization of cultural and mass work, in particular for attraction of people to theatres, cinemas, museums and libraries.

It is necessary to use marketing instruments in the culture more actively, to develop its information environment and to target on involvement of wider audience, the Head of the State noted, having given specific instructions for stimulation of interest and attraction of Turkmenistan citizens to the art and cultural activity. The President highlighted that it is necessary to integrate cultural centres to social and youth life, to seek for actual forms of dialog with the public and to understand and satisfy the demands of the audience.

Chairman of the State Committee for Tourism S. Cholukov reported on the activity of his department and on the work for coordination of structural divisions, measures for development of international contacts in this sphere.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused on the necessity to use existing conditions and capabilities for development of recreational potential of the country, particularly health improving and ecological tourism, in full volume. New interesting proposals and services have to be available in tourist market.

We have all conditions for increment of number of tourists, the Head of the State said, having demanded to take proper measures for correction of the situation in this direction and organization of activity for attraction of tourists to the country, active popularization of cultural and historical and natural heritage of Turkmenistan abroad.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Meredov was the next to report at video conference session. The Vice-premier reported on the situation in structural divisions of oil and gas complex, course of construction of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India gas line, which goes according to the schedule.

The President stated steadfast dynamics of implementation of the TAPI project with delight. The Vice-premier was addressed with specific assignments for further diversification of oil and gas sector, modernization of the infrastructure as well as for control of timely fulfilment of big investment projects including for creation of new routes of supply f Turkmen energy carriers to the world markets and construction of modern petrochemical facilities.

Chairman of the State Concern Türkmennebit D. Hajiyev reported on the work for increasing of oil production by industrial development of perspective deposits and use of modern technologies in this sphere.

The President highlighted that strengthening of the resource base is among priority objectives of fuel and energy complex of the country. The Head of the State gave instruction on thorough analysis of the activity of oil production organizations and efficient use of existing reserves for stable growth of their production and economic indicators.

After, Minister of Industry H. Mergenov reported on the situation in industrial sector of the country. It was reported on the measures for modernization of relevant infrastructure and improvement of the efficiency of production and expansion of the variety of production.

Having highlighted the importance of set objectives for industrialization of national economy, the President of the country noted the necessity of optimum realization of existing potential and material resources of the branch. It will give the opportunity not only for provision of local market with quality goods but also the increment of production volumes of competitive export commodities.

In this context, the President ordered to elaborate on the construction of new modern industrial facilities including cement plants in Balkan and Lebap Velayats. Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov also requested to take the measures for opening of new workshop at Türkmen aýna önümleri facility for expansion of the variety of glass production, which is on high demand. At the same time, the President of Turkmenistan laid special emphasis on training of qualified specialists knowing advanced technologies and addressed relative instructions to the Minister.

Video conference session was continued by the report of the Minister of Textile Industry N. Gayliyev who informed on the work in the sphere and measures for expansion of production output.

The Head of the State noted that national textile industry has big including resource potential. This year, cotton growers produced rich yield of cotton. However, the President stated, use of existing capabilities is not in full scale. Having expressed the complaints in this regard to the Ministry, the President of Turkmenistan also focused on the increment of export of ready-made production.

Work in this direction should have systematic character, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted. It is necessary to carry out marketing analysis and study market situation. It is also necessary to arrange the production of new items taking into account consumers demand and shall it is necessary to renew technological provision of the facilities, the Head of the State said, having given specific instructions to the Minister.

After, the President called Chairman of the State Concern Türkmenhimiýa N. Niyazliyev who reported on the work for further improvement of production base of the sphere. In particular, it was reported on the measures for bringing of output production of Garabogazkarbamid, Tejenkarbamid and Maryazot plants to full capacity, which would provide the farmers with full volume of required mineral fertilizers, which is the guarantee of the increment of production of agricultural crops in the country.

Information of new projects including the construction of facilities for production of ammonia, carbamide and phosphate fertilizers has been presented. Relative agreements have been reached during recent working visit of Turkmenistan delegation to Japan.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted the importance of steadfast increment of output capacities of chemical industry and expansion of its export potential.

Having noted that production of qualitative mineral fertilizers taking into account the requirements of agrarian sector of Turkmenistan and high demands for this production in the world markets is priority direction of development of chemical industry, the Head of the State requested the Chairman of the State Concern Türkmenhimiýa to speed up the work in this direction.

Next, Minister of Construction and Architecture S. Selimov was called by direct video call who reported on the measures for improvement of profitability of the industry and solution of set objectives.

Summing up the report, the Head of the State pointed out the necessity to increase the rates of the reforms in this sphere. It is necessary to introduce latest technologies and advanced developments in construction sphere and in all other branches of national economy.

It is necessary to study the opportunity of implementation of economically beneficial projects and to pay close attention to provision of high quality of works, training of qualified personnel, the President of Turkmenistan noted, having ordered the Minister to hold under control timely and integrated solution of all issues.

After, Chairman of the State Concern Türkmenawtoýollary A. Ovezov reported on the work of his structure including the construction of high-speed autobahn Ashgabat – Turkmenbashy.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that development of road network in Turkmenistan is one of the most important priorities of the state policy. Construction of Ashgabat – Turkmenbashy highway would give the opportunity to improve the quality of logistic services, to expand international transit and transport infrastructure, to increase trade turnover between neighbouring countries and volumes of export and transit of good taking into account the capabilities of Turkmenbashy International Seaport, the Head of the State noted.

In this context, the importance of creation of Afghanistan – Turkmenistan – Azerbaijan – Georgia – Turkey transport corridor and farther to European direction, which would support the improvement of cooperation on wide geo-economic space including the regions of Central and South Asia, Caspian and Black Sea basins and Mediterranean, has been highlighted.

Speaking of technical provision of construction of infrastructural facilities including Ashgabat – Turkmenbashy highway, the President gave specific instruction related to preparation of relevant proposals on construction of this high-speed road taking into account the application of latest technologies, which would provide its long operation.

Working session was continued by the report of Minister of Energy Ch. Purekchekov who reported on the measures for construction of power facilities in Lebap Velayat including 432 Megawatt gas turbine power station in Charjew etrap.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that the state energy policy is aimed at full satisfaction of the requirements of industry, agriculture and social sector of Turkmenistan.

Having highlighted the subjects of opening of additional production capacities of energy industry, the Head of the State said about the necessity to continue the work in this direction. It will allow providing growing local consumption of energy more stable as well as increasing the export by existing and new routes.

The President of Turkmenistan made special mention of the importance of using of latest technologies, efficient and reliable equipment and materials during implementation of profile projects, having addressed the Minister with relevant assignments.

Next, the Head of the State called D. Saburov, the Head of Türkmenhowaýollary Service. The official reported on the measures for improvement and modernization of equipment and facilties base of the structure taken for implementation of the Programme of social and economic development of the country in 2018 – 2024 and on fulfilment of the assignments given by the Head of the State.

Having expressed the interest in the situation in aviation sector, the President noted that construction of modern airports in all velayats, which would provide wide spectrum of services to the passengers, is the part of general strategy for creation of developed infrastructure of air transport in Turkmenistan and provision of it with latest specialized equipment.

Having highlighted that this activity would significantly expand the capabilities of national civil aviation and would provide further air cargo and passenger traffic on high level, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed the Head of the Service with number of assignments on this account.

Chairman of the State Service of Maritime and River Transport A. Gurdov reported on the measures for provision of proper work of Turkmenbashy International Seaport.

It was mentioned that cargo transport potential of International Seaport has increased after opening of big industrial complexes in the region and increment of production demanded in the world market as well as with the supplies of required goods from other parts of the country.

Number of necessary measures for maximum harnessing of the port capabilities including ferry, passenger and container terminals, shipyard and other facilities were taken for activation of trade and economic cooperation between Asian and European countries.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that objectives of transport policy of Turkmenistan require the improvement of the potential of transport complex including national maritime fleet. In this regard, the President stated that strategic facilities of the port would bring our country to leading positions in export and import logistic system of the region. Multimodal logistic park has to provide the services for storage and combined processing of container cargos delivered by air, roads and railways with further loading to maritime transport and vice versa.

The President of Turkmenistan gave specific instructions on thorough study and use of the best world practice in organization of maritime cargo and passenger transportation and on provision of full operation of the seaport to the Head of the Service. The President said that it is necessary to foresee the growth of the workload of port’s terminals and expansion of their services, which would support the growth of cargo turnover in water transport sector.

Minister of Sports and Youth Affairs D. Gulgeldiyev reported on the work of the structures under his supervision, measures for development of various sports, mass physical training movement, fulfilment of the assignments of the Head of the State on study of the best world practice in this sphere.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that the most modern and advanced sport infrastructure has been made in our country, equipment and facilities base of sport has all capabilities for big international competitions, training of sportsmen on the world-class level and improvement of their skills, on which the system of stimulation and encouragement of talented youth is aimed. However, this potential remains uninvolved in full scale, the Head of the State said.

As it was informed at the extended session of the Cabinet of Ministers on December 8 last year, specific assignments have been given to relative heads of science, education, health protection, sport, youth and social affairs spheres as well as to the Director of National Institute of Sports and Tourism. The Head of the State noted that it is necessary to pay special attention to such sport disciplines as weightlifting, wrestling, boxing and other Olympic sports based on new equipment and facilities base of this educational institute. Having highlighted that sport events and methodological activity of the Olympic village have to be carried out by the Ministry of Sports and Youth Affairs, the President gave relative instructions.

At the same time, having stated that despite created condition Turkmen sportsmen were not able to demonstrate high results at the World Weightlifting Championship in Ashgabat, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov expressed his discontent with the work in this field.

In addition, specific assignments have been given repeatedly at different sessions and meetings including during the preparation to big competitions, however, they were not fulfilled completely. It is necessary to improve coach work and review the concept of training of personnel in this sphere and to open new departments in National Institute of Sports and Tourism, Turkmen leader continued.

The State does a lot for development of sports of high achievements and mass physical training movement. Specialized sport schools work in the country. The capital has the Olympic village, which has no analogues in the region, excellent stadiums and other sport facilities are available in the velayats for young generation to grow up healthy and comprehensively developed. National competitions and championships are held on regular basis, representatives of our country participate in prestigious international competitions abroad.

The State makes huge investments to development of sports but there is no relative response. From this point of view, it is necessary to use the base of the Olympic village more efficiently and to improve scientific and methodological foundations of sport development. Our athletes have all conditions to achieve great victories in international arena and to lift the banner of Turkmen sport on proper height, the President highlighted. In this context, having noted the importance of patriotic education of Turkmen sportsmen, the Head of the State gave number of specific assignments to the Minister.

After, Hyakim of Ashgabat Sh. Durdyliyev reported on the situation in the capital, measures for further urban planning of the city, steadfast modernization and improvement of its infrastructure.

The President of Turkmenistan highlighted that all works in Ashgabat including the construction of new facilities, planning of the etraps, streets and parking zones have to be carried out on integrated basis including aesthetic and ecological aspects. At the same time, creation of favourable conditions for life of people remains key requirement.

In this context, Turkmen leader pointed out the necessity of thoroughly thought approach to realization of the concept of development of the main city of the country taking into account future perspective, provision of uninterrupted operation of all systems of life support of the capital and coordinated activity of municipal services.

Having highlighted the subject of organization of cultural and recreational activity of the population, the Head of the State noted that it is necessary to make all conditions for Ashgabat residents for doing sports and participation in cultural events. Having highlighted that work in cultural centres of the city including children entertainments clubs and other facilities and the activity of profile structures does not meet the requirements, the President of Turkmenistan expressed the discontent with this situation.

Having given instructions on regulation and improvement of work in this direction, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov demanded to pay special attention to support of all infrastructural facilities in proper condition and to provide their efficient work.

Finishing video conference session, the President of Turkmenistan wished great success and solution of set objectives to all participants.