Ï Luvsan Battulga is accredited as the Ambassador of Mongolia in Turkmenistan

Luvsan Battulga is accredited as the Ambassador of Mongolia in Turkmenistan

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According to the request of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, Chairperson of the Mejlis G. Mammedova received the credentials of the Ambassador of Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Mongolia to Turkmenistan Luvasn Battulga.

On behalf of the Head of the State, the Speaker of National Parliament congratulated the guest on the appointment to responsible diplomatic position and wished the success in improvement of friendship and cooperation between Turkmenistan and Mongolia.

Having expressed the gratitude for good words, the diplomat conveyed the greetings and warmest wishes of the leaders of his country, having said that he would put all efforts for successful promotion of Turkmen – Mongolian dialog.

During the conversation, the Ambassador was informed about the main directions of home and foreign policy of Turkmenistan pursued by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and introduced with key aspects of large-scale project and programme of social and economic development in the country.

Information about the structure and activity of National Parliament, its law making activity and international contacts was also presented to the Ambassador.

Having expressed keen interest to large-scale achievements of Turkmenistan, the diplomat said about his confidence in the presence of multidimensional potential for development of solid and beneficial bilateral contacts.

It was highlighted in this context that people of both countries are united by mutual intent to universal peace and harmony, which serves as reliable base for development of constructive interstate cooperation. The importance of development of the contacts between legislation authorities of two countries has also been highlighted.

On the same day, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Mongolia to Turkmenistan was received in the Foreign Ministry where interesting exchange of opinions on priority aspect of bilateral partnership took place.