Ï The President of Turkmenistan addressed the greetings to the participants of the 17th Ministerial Conference of the CAREC Programme

The President of Turkmenistan addressed the greetings to the participants of the 17th Ministerial Conference of the CAREC Programme

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Let me extend my congratulations on the start of work of the 17th Ministerial Conference of the Central Asian Regional Economic Cooperation Programme “CAREC 2030: Building of Trade and Support of Diversification”, - the message of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov says. – Lets me express my gratitude to high-rank representatives of the states, ministers, heads and delegates of international organizations, all institute, which contribute to the implementation of the Central Asian Regional Economic Cooperation Programme (CAREC).

Turkmenistan comprehensively supports fundamental principles of the CAREC Programme and its projects. This ear, our country chaired such competent Programme developing active cooperation in such directions as energy, trade, custom issues, transport, tourism, formation of economic corridors and human development.

2018 is the year of starting of implementation of the Strategy of the CAREC 2030 Programme and its main objectives is to protect the stability of the economy of the region. The achievement of the Sustainable Development Goas according to Paris agreements and programme indicators related to the climate change by the member states is another important objective of the Strategy of the CAREC 2030 Programme.

Membership of our country in the CAREC Programme shows that Turkmenistan pays special attention to the integration of Turkmen economy to the economies of neighbouring and interested states by regional and international cooperation, - the message mentions.

The subjects, which are to be discussed under the Programme, are very important due to the world tendencies. Modern challenges make direct influence of all countries and regions and colossal impact on social and economic growth. Therefore, the works for development of new objectives including the ones aimed at the achievement of the goals of 2030 Global Agenda is carried out.

Having developed its own approaches to current discussion of the most important subjects, our country follows the principle, according to which Central Asia is an important part of the Silk Route.

Support of trade is another direction of integration. Trade helps to diversify the economy of our state and expands the opportunity to implement the Sustainable Development Goals. There are colossal capabilities for development of regional cooperation, elimination of bureaucratic barriers and rapprochement of legal and regulatory framework. In the future, all of these will provide the creation of favourable investment climate and expansion of the opportunities for entrepreneurs. In addition, establishment of trade cooperation in the region will make firm base for reduction of poverty and improvement of life level of the population.

Turkmenistan takes active part in planning and implementation of transport projects under the CAREC Programme. Two of six corridors of the CAREC Programme runs across our state providing the entry to the west via the Republic of Azerbaijan to Turkey and Europe, to the north via Kazakhstan and Russian Federation and to the south toward seaports of Karachi and Gwadar in the Arabian Sea. Growth of transport and transit potential of the region and creation of modern transport infrastructure will allow our country successfully integrating to the world economy via relative transport, transit and communication infrastructures.

Construction of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India gas line is very important for the member states of the CAREC Programme. TAPI pipeline will significantly improve export potential of our country supporting the strengthening of energy security and economic stability of entire region and will be strong foundation for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

I am confident that current conference will be very important for exchange of practice and will improve beneficial relations under the CAREC Programme, - the message of the President highlights.