Ï The Ambassador of Tunisia presents the credentials to the Speaker of Turkmen parliament

The Ambassador of Tunisia presents the credentials to the Speaker of Turkmen parliament

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By the request of President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, Chairperson of the Mejlis Gulshat Mammedova received the credentials of the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Tunisia to Turkmenistan Mohammed Ali Shihi.

On behalf of the Head of Turkmenistan, the Speaker of National Parliament congratulated authorized representative of friendly state on the appointment to responsible diplomatic post, having wished him success in development of cooperation between the countries.

Having expressed the gratitude for good wishes, the Ambassador in his turn expressed the willingness to support the activation of bilateral cooperation.

During the meeting, the diplomat was informed about the main directions of the State policy of Turkmenistan, one of which important aspects is the development of international cooperation. Mohammed Ali Shihi was familiarized with projects in different economy and social spheres of the country as well as with the structure and activity of the Mejlis.

Authorized representative of Tunisia highlighted the interest of his country in activation of cooperation with Turkmenistan and establishment of the contacts in different directions.

In the end of the meeting, the sides expressed the confidence that interstate dialog will be developed for the interests of both countries and nations. The willingness to develop inter-parliamentarian relations has also been highlighted.

On the same day, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Tunisia to Turkmenistan was received in the Foreign Ministry. Expansion of cooperation was the subject of interested exchange of opinions.

Meeting in the Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Relations as well as visit to the museums of the capital, International Equestrian Complex and the State Historical and Cultural Reserve Nisa are also planned.