Ï Márcia Donner Abreu is accredited as the Ambassador of Brazil to Turkmenistan

Márcia Donner Abreu is accredited as the Ambassador of Brazil to Turkmenistan

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On the instructions of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, Chairperson of Mejlis of Turkmenistan received credentials from Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Federative Republic of Brazil Márcia Donner Abreu.

On behalf of the President of Turkmenistan, the Head of the Parliament congratulated the guest on the appointment to the high diplomatic post and wished her success in strengthening the ties of friendship and cooperation between the two states.

Expressing gratitude for the cordial welcome, the diplomat conveyed the best wishes to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on behalf of the leaders of Brazil. It was noted that Brazil highly evaluated and strongly supported the constructive policy, pursued by the President of Turkmenistan and the international initiatives but forward by the Turkmen leader with the aim to ensure peace, stability and wellbeing.

During the meeting, the diplomat got acquainted with the priorities of the foreign-policy strategy of Turkmenistan and the large-scale social and economic programmes, aimed at guarantying the efficient implementation of the multifaceted potential and the progressive development of the state.

The exchange of the views on the development of the inter-parliamentary collaboration, including in the framework of authoritative organizations and structures, took place during the meeting. The Ambassador of Brazil was informed on the law making activity of the Mejlis that focuses on the implementation of the generally recognized norms of the international law into the national legislation.

Particular attention was paid to the trade and economic cooperation, enhancement of the cultural and humanitarian relations, development of contacts in the scientific and educational sphere as well as in the spheres of sports and tourism.

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Federative Republic of Brazil Márcia Donner Abreu had a meeting at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan to discuss a wide spectrum of issues of the bilateral cooperation and the international policy that are of particular interest for the two states.

In the framework of the cultural programme, Márcia Donner Abreu visited the museums in Ashgabat and other sights in the Turkmen capital.