Ï Mikhail Popkovsk accredited as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Latvia to Turkmenistan

Mikhail Popkovsk accredited as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Latvia to Turkmenistan

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On instructions from President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, Mejlis Chairperson Gulshat Mammedova has accepted credentials from Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Latvia to Turkmenistan Mikhail Popkovsk.

On behalf of the head of state, the Speaker of the national parliament congratulated the guest on his appointment to the responsible diplomatic post, and wished him success in promoting the bonds of friendship and closer interstate cooperation between the two nations.

Thanking for the kind words, the ambassador assured that he would make every effort to further strengthen the Turkmen-Latvian relations for the benefit of the two countries. During the meeting, Mikhail Popkovsk was informed about the key priorities of home and foreign policy pursued by the head of Turkmenistan.

The implementation of socio-economic reforms and state programs aimed to improve the people’s living standards received special emphasis. The diplomat was offered some insight into ongoing improvements in science and education, and the widespread adoption of scientific and technological advances in all sectors of the domestic economy.

The ambassador was also introduced to the Turkmen parliament’s institutional structure and its legislative activity.

Sincerely interested in our country’s achievements, the diplomat expressed his firm belief that the Turkmen-Latvian interstate relations have yet untapped diverse potential.

The sides exchanged opinions on topical international issues and prospective areas of partnership, including in the Turkmenistan-EU format. The humanitarian sphere was named among priority vectors of cooperation, particularly science, information and communications technology, healthcare, culture, sport and tourism.

The importance of advancing the interparliamentary ties was also the focus of attention during the meeting.


The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Latvia was also received at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan.

Prospects for economic cooperation were discussed during a meeting at the Ministry of Finance and Economy.