Ï Ambassador of Panama presents letters of credence to Mejlis Chairperson

Ambassador of Panama presents letters of credence to Mejlis Chairperson

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On instructions from President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, Mejlis Chairperson Gulshat Mammedova has accepted credentials from Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Panama to Turkmenistan Miguel Umberto Lecaro Barcenas.

On behalf of the head of state, the Speaker of the national parliament congratulated the guest on his appointment to the responsible diplomatic post, and wished him success in fostering the friendly relations and cooperation between the two countries.

In his turn, the diplomat passed on warm greetings and wishes for Turkmenistan’s further progress to the head of state from his country’s leadership, and assured that he would make the best use of his experience and knowledge to enhance the bilateral cooperation for the benefit of the two countries and nations.

The ambassador stressed that President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov’s open-door policy, his peacemaking and creative initiatives aimed at global security, stability and sustainable development, had won high praise in Panama and the entire international community. Turkmenistan’s efforts to create a network of international transport routes, whose significance is vividly demonstrated by experience of the Republic of Panama noted as a major logistics and maritime transit hub on the American continent, have earned enormous respect and wide recognition.

In the course of the meeting, the guest was informed in detail about the major aspects of the Turkmen leader’s foreign-policy strategy, which prioritizes the expansion of fruitful relations with all interested countries, including Latin American countries. The discussion also centered on the ongoing massive socio-economic programs and investment projects initiated by the head of Turkmenistan, which aim to steadily improve the nation’s wellbeing. Special emphasis was placed on our country’s achievements in the implementation of the Global Sustainable Development Goals.

The ambassador of Panama was also introduced to the Turkmen parliament’s institutional structure and its multi-faceted activities.

The sides highlighted the two countries’ commitment to boosting interstate dialogue both in the bilateral format and within authoritative organizations, first of all, the United Nations. Transport, sea transportation and tourism were identified as prospective areas of cooperation.

The ambassador and the Mejlis Speaker also recognized the importance of establishing cultural-humanitarian contacts between the two friendly nations.

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Today, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Panama to Turkmenistan has been received at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to discuss various aspects of Turkmenistan-Panama cooperation.

As part of the familiarization program, Miguel Umberto Lecaro Barcenas will visit the Nisa State Historical and Cultural Park, the State Museum, the National Turkmen Carpet Museum and other sights of Ashgabat.