Ï Profile information and engineering ideas in Construction and Architecture of Turkmenistan magazine

Profile information and engineering ideas in Construction and Architecture of Turkmenistan magazine

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Bright front page of Construction and Architecture of Turkmenistan magazine takes the reader to the heat of the summer and reminds of sunny coast of Caspian Sea where opening of Avaza Aqua Park took place in July with the participation of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. Taking into account that new entertainment centre has indoor Aqua Park, the reference to summer period became the invitation to visit Turkmen resort during whole winter season.

We will get back to it later. Regular issues of the magazine is opened with the publication about new constructions in the capital. It includes the facilities of the 16th phase of urban construction of the main city of the country, modern hotel complexes, building of International Congress Centre, monument of Magtumguly Fragi and monumental composition dedicated to the cycling, school, park and many other.

The article dedicated to new facilities in Avaza has photos giving visual imagination of the Aqua park, which was built by Myradym local private company. This big complex includes water amusements and the facilities designated to satisfy high requirements of the tourist of different age categories. It has winter and summer aqua parks, shopping centre, dozens of shops offering wide variety of goods, supermarket, around 30 cafes and restaurants, bistro, amphitheatre for 1,640 seats, hotel as well as artificial mountains, lakes, waterfalls, mountain springs, the entire country of adventures.

Theoretical part of the magazine includes the subjects of territorial planning in the aspects of urban construction development of the country, formation of spatial environment of the population centres. The best world practice and national objectives in close connection with integrated social and economic programmes of the Head of the State are reviewed in this context.

The historical section of the magazine presents the publication of Ashgabat earthquake in 1948 with the witness memories and comments of seismologists. The materials received during the study of the consequences of that catastrophe was put to the base of development of seismic studies and methods of seismic construction. Today, the Institute of Seismic Construction, which is part of the structure of the Ministry of Construction and Architecture, deals with the provision of seismic stability of the buildings and facilities in the country.

In the Science section, the magazine presents unique engineering and technical project – drainage and communication tunnel in Ashgabat. The construction of this facility, which has no analogues, was carried out by Ukrainian company Interbudontazh under complicated engineering and hydrogeological conditions in the city with developed communication system. Several fundamentally new technological and constructive solutions have been developed and patented during the project implementation. If the article itself presents the interest for profile specialists, then the attention of wide reading audience would be attracted by the photos of the facilities, which give visual imagination of the scale and technology provision of the project.

Current issue has the review of the development of road and transport infrastructure of Turkmenistan, researches of our scientists in improvement of durability of road pavement and extension of their service period.

The pages of new issue also contain the material about the construction of the kindergarten in Chishmikioy, Vulkanesht district, Gagauz Autonomy Region of the Republic of Moldova and school in Funtovo, Volga District, Astrakhan Region of Russian Federation. These projects initiated by Turkmen leader were fulfilled by local private companies – the members of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan.

The magazine, published by the Ministry of Construction and Architecture, is designated not only for the specialists but also for all who is interested in architecture from art and environment point of view. Nevertheless, the main content includes professional engineering, technical and scientific information, analysis of the world tendencies in urban construction sphere and its personnel provision. Turkmenistan is not standing away from these processes, one of which is the digitization of the industry and modernization of its education based on high technologies.

The article about new mosque in Mir 7 residential area of the capital speaks of how the traditions of national architecture are protected and continued in modern construction and how the heritage of Turkmen nation is reflected. The magazine is finished with the review publication on the outcomes of International exhibition Turkmen Construction 2018 where more than 130 local and foreign companies from 14 countries took part.

Such combination of professional opinions and assessments, scientific and popular approach, artistic presentation of illustrations, sketches and drawings in the content of the magazine allows making quality intellectual product. Specialized magazine is valuable source of conceptual profile information, the instrument for promotion of profile companies at local market, reliable assistant for the customers in taking of the decisions as well as the display for project and engineering ideas.