Ï Turkmenistan citizens learn about the culture of Kazakhstan

Turkmenistan citizens learn about the culture of Kazakhstan

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Turkmenistan citizens learn about the culture of Kazakhstan
Turkmenistan citizens learn about the culture of Kazakhstan
Turkmenistan citizens learn about the culture of Kazakhstan
Turkmenistan citizens learn about the culture of Kazakhstan
Turkmenistan citizens learn about the culture of Kazakhstan
Turkmenistan citizens learn about the culture of Kazakhstan
Turkmenistan citizens learn about the culture of Kazakhstan
Turkmenistan citizens learn about the culture of Kazakhstan
Turkmenistan citizens learn about the culture of Kazakhstan
Turkmenistan citizens learn about the culture of Kazakhstan
Turkmenistan citizens learn about the culture of Kazakhstan
Turkmenistan citizens learn about the culture of Kazakhstan
Turkmenistan citizens learn about the culture of Kazakhstan
Turkmenistan citizens learn about the culture of Kazakhstan
Days of Culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which are aimed at the introduction of modern art and original music traditions of Kazakh nation, were opened in Ashgabat.

Big delegation of artists, cultural and museum personnel Mangistau Region of the Republic of Kazakhstan has come to Ashgabat to participate in cultural event.

Exhibition of the decorative and applied art items and other values from the collection of Mangistau Regional Local History Museum and photo exhibition have been organized under cultural event in Ashgabat in the Museum of Visual Arts of our country. the Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zhandos Asanov and Akim of Mangistau Region Eraly Tugjanov took part in the opening ceremony of the exhibitions.

The presenters expressed sincere gratitude to Presidents Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Nursultan Nazarbayev for the attention to the intensification of cooperation and expansion of collaboration in humanitarian sphere.

Official opening ceremony of the Days of Culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan took place in Watan Cinema Centre in the evening, where representatives of cultural sphere, public, diplomatic missions accredited in Turkmenistan, mass media and student gathered on this occasion.

High level of humanitarian dialog of two countries, which serves to improvement of understanding and trust between neighbouring states united by historical community and spiritual relations, has been noted in the greeting speeches. The speakers have also expressed the confidence that current cultural event would serve to improvement of professional contacts between cultural and scientific personnel of two states.

The official opening ceremony was followed by the concert of the art master from Kazakhstan. Abyl Tarakuly Folk Music Instrument Orchestra performed classical compositions and national melodies.

On the same day, the members of the delegation of friendly country were received in the Ministry of Culture of Turkmenistan. Further measures for activation of the partnership in humanitarian sphere were the main subject of the meeting.

During the visit to Turkmen capital, the guest familiarized with the expositions of the State Museum, National Turkmen Carpet Museum and attractions of Ashgabat.