Ï TDH correspondent visits one of the recruitment assembly sites

TDH correspondent visits one of the recruitment assembly sites

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Harmonically developed, health young generation loving their Motherland is the future of any country. Military service in the Armed Forces, which according to the Law of Turkmenistan on Military Duty and Service has to be completed by all 18-years old physically fit men, plays important role in the education of the youth in the spirit of patriotism.

President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, Army General Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov pays great attention to modernization and reformation of the army as the status of permanently neutral state does not take away the necessity to have mobile modern military divisions, which are to protect the conquest of sacred independence, peaceful life of people as well as to serve as school of courage and patriotism for yung Turkmenistan citizens.

Taking the opportunity of the midst of autumn recruitment to the Armed Forces of Turkmenistan, the correspondent of TDH visited one of the assembly points and witnessed of the pre-recruitment training and mobilization of young men.

According to the law of Turkmenistan on Military Duty and Service, male citizen is registered for military service upon reaching 16 years old. From that moment, young man is under permanent medical monitoring, which is aimed at the detection of some health deficiencies and timely measures for necessary treatment. The main thing is not to admit the development of serious diseases.

Close attention of President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to the national health protection and to opening of new modern clinics and sanatoriums on one hand and steadfast construction of sport complexes, stadiums, indoor and outdoor sport grounds on another hands are reflected in growing health indicators of the recruited men.

Major T. Jumayev, the member of velayat commission of recruitment assemblies, spoke about this:

“The assembly point has all conditions for high organizational level of this year recruitment campaign. Citizens undergo medical test at the velayat assembly point, from where they are divided into groups. They receive notification letters, which have the dates of their engagement to military service. On the appointed date, future motherland defenders gather together at the assembly point and go under command of the representatives of relative military divisions. Sending of the recruits to the place of service is taking place at the railway station in solemn atmosphere”.

Big role in the process of health improvement of young Turkmenistan citizens is play by the policy of physical training and sport in our country. everything, starting from neighbourhood gyms and children playgrounds to huge stadiums and multifunctional sport arenas, is aimed at the education of physically fit and morally stable generation, which are willing to be the protection of their Motherland.

After young men came to the assembly points, the objective of the officer who meet future soldiers is to distribute them efficiently to military division according to the qualification, abilities and skills.

What is most interesting, the wishes of the recruits are taken into consideration in many cases. If young man wants to serve in marine in order to connect his future life with some seaman profession, he is usually granted with such opportunity.

Very often, the soldier receives some civil profession or qualification in addition to military skills. For example, military personnel have driving test for B and C categories in many division of the Armed Forces and receive driving license, which are very necessary in future life.

By the way, there are special benefits for entering military academies for those who served his two-year army duty and want to devote themselves to professional military service. Those, who served in army after the university can stay in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the country, having received officer title.

From the moment of recruitment to military service until the ceremony of military oath, the conscripts have initial military and general army training including field camps and various test tasks.

During the course of service, the soldiers master army disciplines and receive not only serious skills, which are necessary after demobilization, but also have opportunity to go in for sport and participate in the competitions. The athletes representing the Armed Forces of Turkmenistan are in the composition of national teams of the country in various sports.

Once you get familiar with such integrated approach to the training of young military personnel in patriotic and spiritual education of the youth, you start realizing that the future of Turkmenistan is in reliable hands of those who has first-hand experience in love of the motherland and knows what real men friendship and mutual help mean.

Current recruits, who having served two years in the Armed Forces and who would replace their fathers and grandfathers, have the capability to make the motherland and life in the country better and if it is necessary, to defend the independence of their home as their officer taught them during their service in the army.