Ï Kazakhstan Cultural Days Come to a Close

Kazakhstan Cultural Days Come to a Close

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Kazakhstan Cultural Days Come to a Close
Kazakhstan Cultural Days Come to a Close
Kazakhstan Cultural Days Come to a Close
Kazakhstan Cultural Days Come to a Close
Kazakhstan Cultural Days Come to a Close
Kazakhstan Cultural Days Come to a Close
Kazakhstan Cultural Days Come to a Close
Kazakhstan Cultural Days Come to a Close
Kazakhstan Cultural Days Come to a Close
Kazakhstan Cultural Days Come to a Close
Kazakhstan Cultural Days Come to a Close
Kazakhstan Cultural Days Come to a Close
Kazakhstan Cultural Days Come to a Close
Kazakhstan Cultural Days Come to a Close
The capital’s Watan Cinema and Concert Hall hosted the solemn closing ceremony of the Cultural Days of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the joint concert of Kazakh and Turkmen artists. The event gathered numerous admirers of music and fine dance, including representatives of diplomatic missions accredited to our country, mass media and students.

The events held within the scope of Cultural Days revealed the diversity of traditions and presented creative achievements of the brotherly people, becoming a platform for professional cooperation and the sharing of expertise between artists and cultural figures of the two countries.

Participants of the solemn ceremony expressed their gratitude to Presidents Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Nursultan Nazarbayev for the policy of international cooperation that promotes the development of fruitful contacts between creative intellectuals of the two countries.

The program of the gala concert that followed included Kazakh and Turkmen folk songs, dances, contemporary popular music and folk performance. The picturesque show evoked intense emotions in the audience, and the spectacular performance left a memorable impression.

The Cultural Days of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Turkmenistan gave a new impetus to the further cultural exchange and the intensification of humanitarian cooperation between the two brotherly peoples.