Ï The Head of the State sets the objectives to improve informational education system

The Head of the State sets the objectives to improve informational education system

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Information about the implementation of the Concept of development of the system of digital education in Turkmenistan has been presented at the session of the Government on November 30. This Concept is aimed at the creation of informational education system and provision of education with electronic learning resources, improvement of intellectual potential of the society, enhancement of quality and methods of education at all stages.

There are all conditions these days in the country for modern education and training of qualified specialists. According to the first phase of the action plan for the implementation of the above-mentioned Concept, relative web portals have been designed by the specialists, professors, tutors and students. Distant lectures and video conferences with the participation of foreign partners are regularly organized in the universities owing to wide implementation of digital technologies.

In this regard, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that the Concept of development of the system of digital education has to provide all opportunities for high quality education services, which meet national and international standards and requirements of modern informational community. It will also promote the citizens to additional education, improvement of professional level using distant methods.

The Head of the State ordered to elaborate on all organizational issues on improvement of the Concept and its practical implementation based on advanced technologies. It is obvious that implementation of digital education would provide the improvement of human capital and attraction of innovative resources to the economy and other sphere for the prosperity of the society and progress of the country, the President said.

Turkmen leader also ordered to carry out comprehensive work for revision of educational process, to use the most effective world practice and methods in its revision and to take measures for systematic improvement of teachers’ qualification, for which special training and methodological centre is required.