Ï The President of Slovenia congratulates Turkmen leader on the 25th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the countries

The President of Slovenia congratulates Turkmen leader on the 25th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the countries

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President Borut Pahor addressed congratulations to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Slovenia and Turkmenistan.

I am stating with deep delight that high level of political relations and cooperation, which are based on mutual respect, has been established between the Republic of Slovenia and Turkmenistan for the past years, - the message says.

I am confident that our cooperation will be continued and improved. Principle of trust and mutual interest in development of the dialog, cooperation and improvement of relations in political, economic and cultural spheres is between our nations,

I still remember your exclusive cordiality that was honoured four years ago during my visit to Turkmenistan. I also had an honour to receive you during your official visit to the Republic of Slovenia, which was very important in development of friendly relations between our countries, three years ago. I will be glad to continue fruitful bilateral dialog in the future, - the President of Slovenia highlighted.