Ï The Head of the State starts new work about ahalteke horse

The Head of the State starts new work about ahalteke horse

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On Sunday, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has visited Ahalteke Equestrian Complex where he checked up on the horses and following his habit has gone into creative work.

It is generally known that the President put the history of the country to important place in his creative work including the event related to the Silk Road, which used to run across our state. This is visual evidence that Turkmen leader pays eat respect to national values, which was created by our ancestors throughout the centuries.

The visit of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to the equestrian complex in the last days of the year, which is held under slogan “Turkmenistan – the Heart of the Great Silk Road” represents the succession of the traditions of the nation form one hand and their development and enrichment in current time for the improvement of the glory of the country that has made big contribution to the world treasury on another hand. Ahalteke horses have important place in this treasury as a bright example of creative talent of Turkmen people.

Having visited the horses, the Head of the State put on harness on one of them, the stallion named Shapolat, which was presented to the President. After, the President of the country took the horse out of the stable and had a walk outside. The horse was responding obediently to every movement of the Head of the State and at the same time, was acting free and trustfully. In such moments, you understand the meaning of the relation, which established between the horse and human for many centuries and became the base of new level of development of Turkmen horse breeding and equestrian sport.

Turkmenistan turned into the place of big international events in this sphere under the initiative and direct leadership of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. Representatives of foreign organizations, who breed ahalteke horses, famous breeders and specialists of this sphere come to the homeland of famous horses, exchange their practice with Turkmen colleagues. Such events are the most active during National holiday of Turkmen Horse.

The Head of the State has brought the care of the improvement of the prestige and glory of ahalteke horse and propaganda of equestrian art of our ancestors in the world to priority level of the government policy.

Having finished the ride with Shapolat, the Head of the State checked its physical condition especially the legs as per requirements of horse breeding. After, the President started writing his new book dedicated to ahalteke horses.

In his works, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov pays special attention to ahalteke horses, which, as the Head of the State mentions, raised increased interests of chroniclers and poets, people who devoted their lives to the art, khans, sheiks and emperors from all over the world in different historical periods.

The works of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov describe the awe and affection that these beautiful horses have in Turkmenistan. When writing his books, the Head of the State uses scientific information and sources picking up the pieces of wonderful and rich history of ahalteke horses, famous horse breeders and restoring the atmosphere and characteristic features of those times.

Making new works dedicated to ahalteke horses and national culture, nature of Turkmenistan and history of our people, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov makes references to historical facts, chronicles and manuscripts, which remained until our days. The Head of the State notes that taking up creative activity gives huge aesthetical pleasure and a wave of inspiration to human.

The President of Turkmenistan is the author of “Ahalteke Horse – Our Pride and Glory”, “Winged Horses”, “Fast Move of the Stallion” which are very popular among the specialists in horse breeding field. Owing to the books of the Head of the State published in different languages, connoisseurs of ahalteke horses in many countries and wide reading audience are able to learn about special features of this unique breed.

Scientific approach and form of expression are the base of the literature style of Turkmen leader. It visually demonstrates the attitude of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to national values made by people, beauty of Turkmenistan nature and to national history.

Scientific and literary works of the Head of Turkmenistan sum up many years of study, thoughts, historical data and literary traditions of the past. The books trace deep author’s knowledge of national traditions as well as huge layer of the nation’s wisdom reflected in folklore. Every new work of the President of the country has continuing importance in popularization of cultural heritage of the nation and in improvement of the significance of ahalteke breed phenomenon.

Undoubtedly, next book of the President, which he has just started to write, will be the same opening the meaning of our traditions and customs, depth of history, creative genius of Turkmen people, which was able to make such masterpiece as ahalteke horse breed.

Today, owing to supporting activity of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, ahalteke horse is put on the pedestal of national love as live and expressive image representing the tie of centuries and generations, desires and victories, harmony of work, inspiration and creativity.